Betalingswijze aanpassen

  • Jildau
    Gevraagd op 9 november 2021 om 09:26


    Ik wil de betalingswijze graag aanpassen van paypal naar creditcard, maar als ik op wijzig creditcard klik, moet ik inloggen bij paypal. Ik heb nu het abonnement stopgezet zodat ik het kan wijzigen, maar het lukt niet.

  • Cecile Enterprise Support
    Geantwoord op 9 november 2021 om 09:34


    I checked your account and it is already scheduled to downgrade. Meaning, it will no longer renew its subscription in your next billing. You can wait for the account to downgrade. Then, you may upgrade it back using your credit card.

    Guide: How-to-upgrade-my-account

    However, if you want the account to be downgraded immediately so that you can re-upgrade using your credit card, then please let us know.

    If you prefer to receive help in your native language, please let us know and we'll forward your ticket to our Dutch Support Team.

    We look forward to your reply.

    Thank you.