Is it possible to build up a automatic sequence of consecutive forms ?

  • brunohermans
    Gevraagd op 11 mei 2021 om 15:35

    We would like to use a set of pages to inspire new hires in a (company) onboarding process.

    i created a first 'welcome' form that is made accessible as an URL link in a communication platform (Speakap), somewhat similar to Slack. Within Speakap, users have a unique ID.

    Users are initially enrolled to the communication platform by sending an invite to their (private) e-mail address. In this invitation process, users are assigned to specific communication groups, based on their role and position in the organisation. An automatic user-sync process manages their account according an HRIS or AD source system.

    In this user-sync exchange, we know their entry date in the organisation (first day).

    we are now looking for a way to :

    1. send them automatically a first (welcome) form (with multiple pages)
    2. automate a 'next' form after 7 days and a third one after 30 days.

    in order to avoid manual assignment of users to consecutive forms, we would like to create automatic conditions, such as :

    1. send automatically a notification in the communication platform (API available) to a user that joined the communication platform and whose 'first date' is set on today.
    2. send automatically a notification to fill in a second form 7 days after their 'first day'
    3. send automatically a notification to fill in a third form 30 days after their 'first day'

    Is this in some way feasible ? over API exchanges or other ?

    looking forward for your response,



  • Roeland_M
    Geantwoord op 12 mei 2021 om 06:12

    Hi Bruno,

    Thanks for the questions.

    If you want, we also speak Dutch on these forums, so we can help you in your native language as well.

    To answer your question:

    You would need to create 3 email alerts in form and configure it to send on specified dates.

    Because yes, you can have multiple different email templates and trigger them conditionally based on user's answer.

    And then you can add date field in form and calculate the date and configure auto-responder email to be sent on a specific date

    Here is a guide on how to make email alerts:

    Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    With regards!