File upload size

  • Noraly Pekelharing
    Gevraagd op 17 februari 2021 om 08:23

    How much GB can I client upload per form? Or do you only have to look at the total GB storage?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Rosa_C
    Geantwoord op 17 februari 2021 om 09:22


    Thank you for reaching Support.

    1GB is the max upload size for JotForm. This applies to the Single File Uploads. If you enable Multiple File Upload, the max file size is capped at 100MB.

    If you have further questions, let us know.

    Related Guide: Changing the File Upload Size Limit.

    Also, each plan has a total space limit as follow on each of the plan:

    1607487517 5fd0501d90b00  Screenshot 10

    You may choose the plan as per your requirements.
    Please get back to us if you need any further help.