Brigitte BrakelsGevraagd op 18 april 2024 om 04:29
Is er een storing, ik kom niet verder in het formulier..
- Zit u in een schuldhulptraject?*
- Ja
- Nee
- Woont de student in een zorginstelling?*
- Ja
- Nee
- volgende bladzijde
Volgende bladzijde kan niet op gedrukt worden, ik kom niet verder in het formulier.,
Arghya Jotform SupportGeantwoord op 18 april 2024 om 06:53
Hi Brigitte,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Since the customer support in your language is currently unavailable, I'm using Google Translate to understand your question and answer you in English. If you would like to get the answer in your language, we can arrange it, but it takes a longer time to revert. Please let us know if you need this service.
Let me get back to your question. When I checked your account, I didn't find any forms in your account. Can you send me the link to your form, so I can take a look at it for you? If that form is associated with another account, can you share the account email address or username? Can you take a screenshot of what’s happening and send it to us? This guide will show you how to do that.
Let us know if you have any other questions.