jesse123423Gevraagd op 15 april 2024 om 04:49
Ik ben een enquete aan het maken voor opleiding. Ik ben aan het afstuderen. Ik wil graag voorkomen dat bruikbare informatie verloren gaat, omdat mijn doelgroep wellicht een enquete niet afmaakt. Is het mogelijk om niet verzonden formulieren op te slaan, zodat de wel ingevulde vragen bruikbaar zijn voor mijn onderzoek?
Alvast bedankt!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jesse van der Flier
Chris_L Jotform SupportGeantwoord op 15 april 2024 om 07:07
Hi Jesse,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, we don't offer Dutch support at this time. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using.
Now, coming back to your question about the possibility to save unsent forms. If you are trying to save submissions, you can download the form submissions and save it to your local drive. Let me show you how:
- On your My Tables page, hover your mouse over the form and click on View Table.
- Hover your mouse over the Download All button on the right side of the page.
- Now, choose CSV, Excel, or PDF format and download your data.
If that’s not exactly what you’re looking for, can you explain a bit more so I can help you better?
jesse123423Geantwoord op 15 april 2024 om 07:17
I didn't know that there was no Dutch support possible at this time, so I'll explain a bit more so you can help me better in English.
The question I want an answer to is the follow: Is it possible to analyze forms that someone began to fill in, but didn't finish?
So for example, someone filled in 4 of the 8 questions in my form, but then left the form and never answered the remaining 4 questions. Is there any way for me to see the 4 answers that were given, while the form never was hand in?
Thanks for helping me!
Chris_L Jotform SupportGeantwoord op 15 april 2024 om 08:30
Hi Jesse,
Thanks for getting back to us. Yes, you can view the draft submissions, but please note that drafts entries not submitted within 2 months will be automatically deleted. Let me show you how to view draft submissions:
- In Jotform Tables, click on the Three Dots icon in the main tab’s menu.
- Select Incomplete Submissions.
- In the right panel, click on the External Link icon to check the draft’s details. That's it.
Reach out again if there’s anything else we can help you with.