Learn how to execute a charitable campaign using Jotform

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Summer has made its hotly anticipated appearance, and the Jotform office is ready to make moves — to the nearest body of water, that is. It’s time to break out the unicorn floatie and run full speed to the nearest beach, lake, or kiddie pool. We’re kicking off our celebration of summer by bringing the heat: helpful form tips and a case study about a company that uses Jotform to give back to the community!

How an Unconventional Food Company Uses Jotform to Give Back

Oakland-based Back to the Roots is on a mission to redo food as we know it, offering a line of ready-to-grow and ready-to-eat products found in grocery stores around the country. Check out how Back to the Roots uses Jotform to power their donation program.

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How to Make Jotform Your Marketing Automation Tool

Jotform is more than an online form builder. Did you know it can also help you accomplish marketing automation tasks? Check out how our integration with WebMerge through Zapier allows you to send customized marketing documents to your prospects automatically. There’s a lot more, too.

Five Things You Probably Didn’t Realize You Could Do with Jotform

With more than 100 integrations, dozens of advanced form field options (or “widgets”), and form functionality that spans across all industries and roles, it’s no surprise that most users don’t use Jotform to the fullest. While there may not be a need to use every single feature, here are five things that you may not realize you can do with JotForm.

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