Collect Email Subscribers for MailerLite

Grow and manage your email list with Jotform’s MailerLite integration. Create contact forms to get more subscribers and add new email addresses to your MailerLite account automatically.


10,000+ Free Templates

Whether you need a contact form, customer feedback form, or website signup form, get started with Jotform’s email list form templates. Simply select the one that best suits your needs and customize it for your site in just a few clicks.

Contact Form

Feedback Form

Signup Form

Online Forms

Grow Your Email List

Collect subscriber emails with a fully-custom online form. Build your email signup or lead gen form with Jotform and connect it to MailerLite — no coding needed. When a new contact fills out your form, their email address will instantly be added to your MailerLite email list!

Embed Form

Share Your Form

Jotform makes it easy to embed email forms in your website. Simply copy and paste your form link in your HTML, or use third-party publishing options to upload your form directly to WordPress, Squarespace, Weebly, Wix, Shopify, and more.


Connect to 100+ Integrations

Integrate your email form with MailerLite — and 100+ other integrations too. Process payments with payment gateways and send submissions to CRMs, file storage integrations, spreadsheets, project boards, and even more email marketing tools.

Conditional Logic

Make Your Form Smarter

Create a personalized form experience for potential leads with conditional logic. Hide, reveal, require, and calculate fields, skip pages, and display personalized emails and thank you messages based on how users complete your email list form.

Jotform Prefill

Speed Up Form-Filling

Make the form-filling process faster for site visitors with Jotform Prefill. Send subscribers links to pre-populated forms that already include their name and address — so they can more easily register for events, make purchases, and more.

Jotform Tables

Manage Your

Collect more than contact info and easily track and organize leads, customers, and newsletter subscribers. Filter and group all of your data in Jotform Tables to delete spam emails and unsubscribe notifications.


Keep Your Data Secure

Jotform offers advanced security measures such as a 256-bit SSL connection, multiple encryption methods, and anti-spam fields to help protect form data. Plus, Jotform is PCI and GDPR compliant, and you can opt for form features that make HIPAA compliance easier!