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ხმის მიცემის წინასწარი გამოკითხვა

ხმის მიცემის წინასწარი გამოკითხვა ძირითადად გამოიყენება არჩევნებამდე საზოგადოების განწყობის გასაგებად. მოცემული გამოკითხვის შაბლონის გამოყენებით, თქვენ შეძლებთ გაიგოთ ხალხის მოსაზრებები არა მხოლოდ პოლიტიკაზე, არამედ ნებისმიერ სხვა სასურველ საკითხზეც. თქვენ ასევე შეგიძლიათ გაფილტროთ მონაცემები სხვადასხვა პარამეტრების მიხედვით.

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გამოიყენეთ მოცემული სრული მასშტაბის პოლიტიკური გამოკითხვა და განსაზღვრეთ თუ რას ფიქრობს მოსახლეობა ქვეყანაში მიმდინარე პოლიტიკურ პროცესებზე.

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About გამოკითხვები

ხმის მიცემა და გამოკითხვა არის საუკეთესო საშუალება თანამშრომლების მოსაზრებებისა და შეხედულების ორგანიზაციაში არსებული სხვადასხვა პრობლემების მიმართ შესაფასებლად. მათი შექმნა საკმაოდ მარტივია. დაიწყეთ Jotform-ის ხმის მიცემის შაბლონის გამოყენება, მოარგეთ თქვენს მოთხოვნებსა და ბრენდს ჩვენი ინტუიციური ფორმის მშენებლის გამოყენებით.

ხშირად დასმული კითხვები

What are poll templates?

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to gather opinions, consider creating and sharing an online poll. Poll templates are ready-made forms that individuals or teams can adapt to build professional polls for any occasion. These types of templates can be used as-is or customized with Jotform’s easy-to-use online builder to match your exact needs.

Subtypes of poll templates

Polls can be built to suit a variety of purposes. Here are a few examples:

  • Image poll: An image poll is a type of online poll that asks individuals to select an image. This type works well for choosing which image works best for a campaign, project, or advertisement.
  • Scheduling poll: A scheduling poll gathers responses from users about the best time to meet. This type of poll is great for special events like parties, graduations, and weddings, or for day-to-day activities like work meetings or team-building exercises.
  • Video poll: A video poll is a type of poll that asks users to vote on which video is most effective.
  • Exam date poll: An exam date poll asks students to vote on their ideal exam date.
  • Opinion poll: An opinion poll is a type of poll that collects responses about a certain issue in order to gauge feelings and opinions.
  • Voting poll: A voting poll is one of the most straightforward types of polls. The purpose of this poll is to pick a winning candidate, idea, or event.
  • Straw poll: A straw poll is a type of poll used to get an unofficial vote on something. This type of poll is used mainly to learn general opinions about issues or candidates to inform a project or campaign.

Key elements of polls

When creating your own poll, be sure to include these must-have form fields:

  • Name: Collecting names is often an important part of a poll. It allows you to trace each response to a specific user. If you’re planning to make your poll anonymous, you can omit this field.
  • Contact information: Gathering contact information is key for those who would like to keep in touch with respondents. Collecting information like email addresses and phone numbers can open the door for further communication and follow-up questions.
  • Poll questions: When it comes down to it, the most important part of your poll is the questions you’re asking or the options you’re providing to your users. Use Jotform’s form builder to tailor your questions to match the theme of your poll.
  • Additional suggestions or comments: Collecting additional suggestions and comments is a great way to further engage with your poll takers. It gives them a chance to ask questions or voice other opinions, but it also shows that you care about what they think.

Benefits of using poll templates

Want to increase community engagement and learn about popular opinion? Maybe you need to make more data-driven choices at work. Consider the following benefits of using online polls:

  • Collect and analyze poll results in one place
  • Allow users to submit poll responses from any device
  • Save money and time you’d spend interviewing and talking with individual poll takers
  • Reuse and customize your poll template as many times as you need
  • Generate reports based on the data collected via your online poll

Use cases for poll templates

You can use polls for a number of different purposes. Here are some examples:

  • Elections

When you think of polls, one of the first things that might come to mind is elections. Polls provide insight about public opinion on political issues and leaders. Online polls are also used for smaller-scale elections, like school elections. Polls are a great way to gauge community opinion about who should be the next office or class representative.

  • Collecting feedback

Collecting feedback from employees, customers, and community members is an integral part of operating a successful business. Organizations and businesses should regularly collect feedback from their team members, clients, and other stakeholders to assess how well things are going and how they can make improvements.

  • Monitoring satisfaction

Similar to feedback collection, polls can also be used to gauge community or customer satisfaction. For example, managers can use this type of poll to understand employee opinion on specific aspects of their jobs.

  • Scheduling

Need to pick a time to meet that works for all of your participants? Polls are a great way to find the optimal time for everyone. List the available times and let your users vote on the one that works for them. Scheduling polls can be used by all kinds of businesses and industries.

How to create polls with Jotform?

Creating your own poll with Jotform is a breeze. Our drag-and-drop poll builder makes it easy for anyone to create a perfect poll, regardless of their experience.

  1. Start by logging in to your Jotform account and clicking on Create Form. Choose whether you’d like to start from scratch or use one of our ready-made poll templates.
  2. Then customize your poll with Jotform’s easy-to-use online form builder. Add or remove form fields, switch up fonts and colors, upload branding assets and images, and much more.
  3. You can even integrate your polls with handy widgets and apps to take your form to the next level.
  4. After you’ve finalized the look and feel of your poll, just send it off to your users to fill out. Share it via email, direct link, or QR code, or by embedding it directly into your online portal or website.