Use a Free Online RSVP Tool



Explore RSVP Tools

Don’t know where to start? Pick one of our ready-made RSVP templates to get started and customize it to your liking. Upload a custom logo, add your own questions, and more to match your branding.



Drag-and-Drop App Builder


今すぐ試す — 無料です。
Drag-and-Drop App Builder


Configure Your RSVP App

RSVPアプリにカウントダウン時計や支払いゲートウェイなどのアプリウィジェットを追加して、あなた自身とユーザーの両方にシームレスな体験を作りましょう。Zoom、Asanaなど100以上の信頼できるプラットフォームと統合できます。また、Apple PayやPayPalなど、30以上の支払いゲートウェイからシームレスな支払いを選択できます。

今すぐ試す — 無料です。
Configure Your RSVP App




今すぐ試す — 無料です。
High-grade form data security



When you’re finished customizing your RSVP app, generate a custom URL and share it with your audience. Send out your app via email, link to it in your social media bios, share a QR code, or embed it directly into your website to make RSVPing easier than ever.

今すぐ試す — 無料です。
Publish and share in seconds



Thanks to our RSVP tracker, you can track and manage your RSVPs from any device. Oversee your attendees, keep tabs on important data coming in, and create professional reports for your executives all from one convenient platform.

今すぐ試す — 無料です。
Track Responses in Jotform Tables



Nicole Wreaks,

Content Creation & Business Development, EWYN Studios



RSVP Tool Youtube Thumbnail

Learn More About RSVP


  • What is an RSVP?

    An RSVP is an individual’s response to an event invitation confirming whether or not they will attend. A complete collection of RSVPs helps an event organizer plan ahead for an event.

  • JotformのRSVPツールでRSVPリンクを作成するには?


  • What are RSVPs used for?

    RSVPs are used to let hosts of an event know whether invitees are attending. RSVPs are commonly used for wedding invitations, conferences, bookings, birthday invitations, appointments, reservations, and much more. Whether the event is taking place in person or digitally, you should use an RSVP app or form to track how many individuals will be in attendance so you can be as prepared for your event as possible.

  • Is making an RSVP link easy?


  • What does RSVP mean on an invitation?

    RSVP is short for, “Répondez s’il vous plaît,” which directly translates to “Respond, if you please.” This term has become shorthand to indicate that the individual sending an invitation would like invitees to respond so that they can confirm overall attendance. This is especially important for large events like weddings, where planners need to know how much food and drink to order, tables to set up, etc.

  • What is the best format for an RSVP?


  • What do I include in an RSVP?

    The great thing about RSVPs is that you can keep them short and sweet. Some forms may just have one box that invitees can check to signal whether they’re attending or not. You can also include fields to collect the invitee’s name, address, phone number, email, etc. If you want to collect reasons why an invitee cannot attend, include a text box where they can provide an explanation.

  • Can I create multiple RSVPs?


  • What are the benefits of using RSVPs?


  • Can guests update their information after RSVPing?

    In some cases, guests can update their information after RSVPing. The RSVP form may have an option that allows attendees to change their answer on the spot. If not, they might need to reach out to the organizer to explain that they will no longer be able to attend. This is entirely dependent on the RSVP form that was used.

  • Is my guests’ personal information safe and secure?


  • Is there any confirmation email after RSVPing?

    Jotformのフォームビルダーでは、招待者が RSVPを送信した際に送信する自動返信メールを設定することができます。ページの上部にある設定をクリックし、左側にあるメール を選択します。そこから自動返信メールを作成し、お好みでカスタマイズすることができます。また、一定期間経過後に招待者に返信を促すリマインダーメールを設定することもできます。