
Check out these frequently asked questions to learn more about Report Builder and how it can help you create polished, customized reports.


  • Jotformレポートビルダーとは何ですか?

    Jotform Report Builder is a powerful reporting and presentation tool that creates charts, infographics, and presentations. Report Builder uses the data from your forms to build a polished presentation.

  • Jotformレポートビルダーにはどのようにアクセスできますか?

    To create your first report, start by building a survey, poll, or other type of form. Share it with your audience and collect some submissions. Then go to the My Forms page, choose the form you would like to create a report for, and follow these instructions:

    • フォームにカーソルを合わせ、詳細を選択する。
    • レポートで開くを選択する。
    • Enter a name for your report and choose the type of report you want to create.


  • どの料金プランにレポートビルダーが含まれていますか?

    Jotform Report Builder is available with every plan. Whether you’re on our free Starter plan or you’ve upgraded for additional storage or HIPAA compliance features, you can always create professional reports to showcase your form data.

  • レポートはいくつ作成できますか?


  • レポートを自動的に作成するにはどうすればよいですか?

    If you don’t feel like building a report from scratch, select the Extended or Compact Report layout to generate your report and auto-populate it with your form data.

  • レポートをPDFでダウンロードできますか?


  • レポートを、パワーポイントとしてダウンロードできますか?


  • レポートを共有することはできますか?

    Yes, Jotform Report Builder allows you to share your reports with coworkers, clients, stakeholders, and more. Make your reports public, private, or available only to members of your company. For time-sensitive reports, you can set custom expiration dates to control how long users can access them.

  • レポートの埋め込みは可能ですか?

    Yes, without doing any coding, you can display your live report wherever you want. Simply copy and paste the auto-generated embed code to embed your report directly in your website or a content platform like Medium or WordPress. Embedded reports will update automatically with real-time data.

  • 独自のデータをインポートしてレポートを作成できますか?

    Yes, you have the option to import additional data from CSV or Excel files into Jotform. Our Report Builder will then be able to generate reports using the data in your imported files.

  • 新しい投稿を受信すると、レポートは更新されますか?

    Yes, your report will update automatically with each new submission, giving you the most accurate data as quickly as possible.

  • レポート作成中にフィルタを適用できますか?

    Yes, you can easily filter your report to organize and display relevant data. Just click the Filter icon next to the search bar, select the form fields, and add conditions for the filter.

  • 複数のフォームのデータを使用して、1つのレポートを作成することは可能ですか?

    Unfortunately, no. Currently our Report Builder is able to auto-generate reports based on submissions from one form at a time.

    For reports that require multiple forms, consider using the Combine Submissions integration as a workaround. This tool allows you to combine submission data from two different forms into one CSV file.

  • レポートのチャートデータを編集できますか?

    No, not from our Report Builder. Since the data presented in your chart is directly based on form submissions and imported data, the only way to edit your chart’s data is by editing the actual form submissions.

  • HIPAAアカウントでJotformレポートビルダーを使用できますか?

    Yes, users with HIPAA compliance features can use our Report Builder to generate reports with patient feedback and medical data.

  • Jotformレポートビルダーはエンタープライズアカウントで利用できますか?

    はい、Jotformレポートビルダーは、Jotform Enterpriseのユーザーの方にもご利用いただけます。詳しくはEnterpriseセールスチームにお問い合わせください。