Online Polling for Classrooms



Explore Free Classroom Poll Surveys

Not sure how to create your own online classroom polls? No problem! Just choose one of our ready-made poll templates to get started. Add your questions, customize the look and feel, and then send to your students to start collecting responses.

Class Poll

Template class-poll

Top 25 College Football Poll

Template top-25-college-football-poll

Student Representative Nomination Form

Template student-representative-nomination-form


Build Polls for Classroom in Minutes

Create and Customize Your Polls

Jotformでプロフェッショナルなクラスの世論調査をシームレスに構築 - Jotformは、プロフェッショナルな教室投票をシームレスに構築します。一度に1つの質問。ドラッグ&ドロップで独自の質問を追加したり、内容や見た目を変更したり、投票をクラスで共有して重要なフィードバックを集めたりすることができます。


Create a more enjoyable poll experience for your students by adding conditional logic to your forms. Set up conditional logic based on each of your students’ responses to automatically present questions that apply to the individual responder.

Manage Polls in One Central Place


Maintain Educational Privacy




これは今までの中で最高のツールです!!!オンライン登録の解決策を探していたとき、見た選択肢は、簡単にカスタマイズできない上に、数千ドルもかかり、開発者に作業を依頼する必要がありました。Jotformを使えば、自分で簡単に変更ができ開発やコーディングの経験があまりなくても大丈夫です! とても気に入っていて、これから何年も使い続けるつもりです!

Alissa Kline, カウンシル・アシスタント, KLMCarpenters

Learn More About Online Polling for Classroom


What is polling in online classes?

Polling in online classes is when an instructor or student in an online course or class creates a poll to survey the class on various topics relating to the course.

How do you create a poll in a classroom?


How can I create student polls for free?


What are some fun polling questions?

The questions you ask will depend on the type of class you teach and/or the ages of your students.

Some great basic and fun questions for any class are

  • What was your favorite thing you learned in this class?
  • What did you like/dislike about this class?
  • If you could change one thing about this class, what would it be?

What are the different types of polling?


1. Image poll

Need to choose a winning project or pick a field trip location? Create a quick image poll and hold a vote to find the winning design.

2. Scheduling poll

Gather responses about the best time to meet with your students for office hours using an easy scheduling poll.

3. Video poll

Want your class to choose a winning video project? Try holding a video poll to decide.

4. Exam date poll

Find the best date for your exam by polling your students.

5. Opinion poll

Need to take a quick pulse survey to gauge your students’ opinions on course material or other topics? Try an opinion poll to gather that data.

6. Quick poll

Quick polls are an efficient, streamlined way to get your students to choose something quickly.

7. Voting poll

Pick a winner with a straightforward voting poll all your students can take part in.

8. Straw poll

Straw polls are unofficial votes — you can use them to learn about popular student opinions and develop a structure for your courses.