Build powerful forms in Jotform and integrate them with Marketo. Create your own contact marketing automations through Jotform to maximize efficiency. Automate tasks and workflows, and measure marketing engagement. Nurture sales leads and personalize marketing content. No coding required.
Don’t know where to start? Pick one of our ready-made form templates listed below and customize it in seconds with Jotform’s easy-to-use Form Builder.
To get started, pick one of our 10,000+ form templates or get creative and make your own from scratch. The opportunities for innovation are just a click away. Connect your new form with Marketo for a seamless experience.
Use Jotform’s advanced form designer to customize your form to fit your needs. Choose fonts, colors, logos, and integrations to match your website’s theme and really make it your own. Use our drag-and-drop Form Builder for easy brand refreshes – no coding experience necessary!
Every submission to your form will automatically be added to Marketo. Keep track of the newest data and update your leads. With Jotform’s Marketo integration, you'll never lose any important data again.
Embed your form wherever you need it – be it website or app, you get to choose where it lives. Collect data with Jotform and manage your marketing workflows in Marketo. Make management more efficient for you and your team.