


Free Likert Scale Form Templates



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Get Accurate Data with Likert Scales


Automate Survey Workflows



Create smarter, more complex surveys with conditional logic. Hide and reveal survey fields according to users’ previous answers. Not only does conditional logic help boost response rates, it also helps you target segmented groups with individualized questions.

Collect In-Person Responses

Use our handy kiosk mode to turn your smartphone or tablet into an in-person survey station. Collect Likert scale survey responses in real time — perfect for conferences, trade shows, meetings, and other types of events.




When you’re creating a Likert scale survey, you first need to define your audience and purpose. Who will receive and complete your Likert scale survey? What are you hoping to learn from or accomplish with your Likert scale survey results?

Say, for example, you recently opened a restaurant and would like to get a better understanding of how your patrons view it. Creating and distributing a Likert scale survey is a perfect way to find out how they feel about your menu, staff, cleanliness, music, prices, and overall ambience.


Once you’ve established your audience and purpose, it’s time to write your survey questions. To do this properly, it’s important that your questions meet several criteria.

They should be well organized


Ask a few questions about the same topic consecutively — food, ambience, staff friendliness, and knowledge — and then move onto the next. Grouping similar questions together under a label or subheader is a great way to keep them organized (i.e., keep all questions related to the menu under a “Food and Drink” subheader). Throughout your Likert scale survey, there should be no confusion as to what you’re asking or how one question relates to another.

They should be specific

The most valuable Likert scale surveys deliver honest, accurate feedback, so it’s important to remove all ambiguity. Say, for example, that you’re asking your patrons about service satisfaction. Each question should focus on a different aspect of your restaurant.


  • 私たちの係員にはどの程度満足されましたか?
  • 当社のサーバーにどの程度ご満足いただけましたか?
  • トイレの清潔さの満足度は?

Asking broad or vague questions can create false and inaccurate data. If one of your survey respondents loved their server but felt the valet service took too long, how would they rate the service? Changing how you word some of your questions or making them more specific can help you home in on what exactly you need to improve in your restaurant.

In this particular example, your survey’s audience would be your restaurant’s patrons, and its purpose would be to understand what’s working and what’s not so you can make improvements.

With Likert scale surveys, you can take the guesswork out of customer satisfaction and get immediate, actionable, nuanced feedback that can help you optimize your business and make more money.


In addition to being well organized and specific, your questions need to be clear and non-leading. They shouldn’t be too lengthy or contain confusing language that can trip up your respondents.

For example, if you ask your patrons, “How satisfied were you with our clean restaurant?” you’re making the assumption that they found it clean. They may answer inaccurately or dishonestly just to move onto the next question.

Pro tip: Including questions instead of statements in your survey also helps reduce potential bias. There may be a big difference between how your respondents would answer questions like “How satisfied were you…” vs statements like “I was satisfied with…”


No matter what type of Likert scale survey you’re creating — customer feedback, employee motivation, or market research survey — you’re probably going to use one of these point systems:

  • Three points: This includes a choice of two polar options (one positive and one negative) and one neutral option (e.g., Satisfied, Dissatisfied, and Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied).
  • Four points: This system gives two positive and two negative options, with no neutral option.
  • Five points: This offers two positive and two negative options, plus one neutral option.
  • Six points: This includes three positive and three negative options, with no neutral option.
  • Seven points: This provides three positive and three negative options, plus one neutral option.
  • Nine points: This scale includes four positive and four negative options, plus one neutral option.

These point systems are the most widely used and recognized Likert scales, which can help improve the chances your survey respondents will both understand and complete your survey since they’ll be familiar with its structure.

While you really can’t go wrong with any one of these scales, the five- and seven-point Likert scales are the most popular. Survey respondents need adequate choices, and these two scales give them a nice blend of both positive and negative answers, as well as one neutral option, without overwhelming them.

Additionally, once you’ve decided which point system you’re going to use for your Likert scale survey, it’s a good idea to use it throughout the whole survey, from first to final question. (You can, of course, switch it up from survey to survey.) Changing your scale system within a survey may confuse or frustrate your respondents, leading to inaccurate data.



Here’s all you have to do:

  1. 最初からアンケートを作成するか、Jotformの800種類以上のアンケートテンプレートをご利用ください。
  2. ブランドのロゴ、色、全体的なスタイルを取り入れ、簡潔な質問を加えて、自由にカスタマイズしてください。リッカート尺度を選択し(3つから9つの選択肢があります)、評価尺度のテキスト(非常に満足、やや満足など)を追加し、評価尺度のテキストをアンケートの中でどのように配置するかを選択することもできます。
  3. 好きな見た目に仕上がれば、ボタンをクリックするだけでリッカート尺度のアンケートを公開することができます。リンクを介して友人、家族、同僚、または後援者と共有したり、組織のウェブサイトに埋め込んだり、電子メールで送信したり、PDFとしてダウンロードして印刷し、物理的なコピーを配布することもできます。




これは今までの中で最高のツールです!!!オンライン登録の解決策を探していたとき、見た選択肢は、簡単にカスタマイズできない上に、数千ドルもかかり、開発者に作業を依頼する必要がありました。Jotformを使えば、自分で簡単に変更ができ開発やコーディングの経験があまりなくても大丈夫です! とても気に入っていて、これから何年も使い続けるつもりです!

Alissa Kline, カウンシル・アシスタント, KLMCarpenters



Free Likert Scale Generator Video Tutorial











