Make a custom app for your business in minutes with Jotform’s no-code app builder. Just drag and drop to add various app elements like forms, sign documents, text, images, links, buttons, widgets, and more. You can run promotions, make announcements, or collect e-signatures all from one app that works on any device.
An online business app builder is a tool that allows users to create custom mobile apps without requiring coding or technical expertise. With Jotform's Business App Builder, you can design, personalize, and launch apps tailored to your business needs, making interacting with customers, managing operations, or streamlining workflows easier.
Anyone can use an online business app builder! Whether you’re a small business owner, freelancer, entrepreneur, or part of a larger organization, these tools are designed to help you create functional apps for your specific goals. No coding skills are needed, making it accessible for people with varying technical expertise.
You can create a variety of apps with Jotform’s Business App Builder, including:
Yes, you can fully customize your app's design! Jotform’s Business App Builder provides easy-to-use design tools to adjust colors, fonts, layouts, and branding elements. Add custom forms, images, and other features to make your app stand out and align with your business’s branding.