
  • tawaseiya
    2023年7月4日 21:59に質問


    Jotform APIの料金形態について、初期費用、月額費用、(あれば従量課金費用)の3つをお教えいただきたいです。



    Is there a fee for using your service through API from other services? For example, is there a charge based on the number of times the data is called in?

    Best Regards.



  • Rahul Enterprise Support
    2023年7月5日 0:13に返信

    Hi Seiya,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. We don't charge any additional fee for using the services through API but please note that fetching data using API will definitely come under the limits and usage on your Jotform account. Check out our pricing page to get more details about the pricing, limits, and usage of each available plan.

    You might also want to check our API Documentation to get more details about the API services offered by Jotform.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.