CS_Center2024年11月27日 6:11に質問
When filling out the registration form, a warning appears as soon as the cursor is moved out of the input box, stating that the field is required and needs to be filled in. Is it possible to prevent error messages from appearing until the registration button is pressed?
Myla Jotform Support2024年11月27日 8:39に返信
Hello Yutaka,
Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. If I understood what you’re asking, you only want this required alert to appear when the form is being submitted?:
After further checking, it's currently not possible to remove this even with CSS. Although the message can be removed, it can be a confusion to your user if no error will appear if they try to submit the form. You can check out my screencast to see the result on my cloned form:
If this is something that you think would work for you, you can add this CSS to your form to achieve it:
/* error message */
.form-error-message {
display: none;
/* asterisk */
.form-required {
display: none;
/* border */
.form-line-error .form-validation-error {
border-color: #b8bdc9;
Let me show you how:
- In Form Builder, click on the Paint Roller icon on the right side of the page to open Form Designer.
- Now, in the Form Designer menu, click on the Styles tab, scroll down and paste the code into the Inject CSS Code box. That’s it. The code is automatically saved.
Yutaka Noda2024年11月28日 19:58に返信
Thank you very much for your assistance.