Software per Flussi di Lavoro in Ambito Sanitario

Automatizza i flussi di lavoro di gestione del tuo ospedale

Create automated workflows for your healthcare organization with Jotform Workflows. Our healthcare workflow solution enables you to manage requests for medical supplies, appointment bookings, and more — automatically routing submissions to the appropriate team members for approval.

Crea un WorkflowÈ Gratis!
Healthcare Workflow Software

Velocizza la pianificazione degli appuntamenti

Simplify appointments with an automated appointment workflow template you can customize to fit your needs.

Crea un WorkflowÈ Gratis!
Streamline appointment scheduling


Free Healthcare Workflow Templates

Non sai da dove cominciare? Scegli uno dei modelli sanitari gratuiti e già pronti di Jotform per iniziare immediatamente.

Consent Approval Workflow

Consent Approval Workflow

Workflow per Prendere Appuntamenti

Appointment Scheduling Workflow

Patient Follow-up Workflow

Patient Follow-up Workflow

Ottieni il consenso informato online

Obtain patient signatures through online forms and automatically send them to assigned team members for confirmation.

Crea un WorkflowÈ Gratis!
Get informed consent online
Use Cases Icon

Healthcare Use Cases

Modulo di Registrazione per Nuovi Pazienti

Register new patients with this free workflow template. Customize it to add conditional logic, automated emails, task assignments, and more.

Guarda Template

Telehealth Appointment Scheduling

Configure this telehealth appointment workflow template to automate telehealth appointment scheduling.

Guarda Template

Vaccine Appointment

Use this workflow template to process Vaccine Appointment requests. Customize it with automated steps, autoresponder emails, and more.

Guarda Template

Health Declaration Approval

Process health declarations from any device with this easily customizable approval template. Access HIPAA-friendly features on our Gold and Enterprise plans.

Guarda Template