autonoleggiosempliceDomanda del 6 novembre 2023 alle ore 07:21
utilizzo l'integrazione con Active Campaign e funziona bene, a parte il valore del campo telefono che viene registrato in maniera sporca su AC. es:"numero di tel (facoltativo):37*7*0*42* Inserisci l" (gli asterischi li ho messi per una ragione di privacy), mi costringe a dover pulire un campo alla volta manualmente. Come posso fare in modo che registri solamente il numero di telefono pulito ? Oppure si tratta di un bug ?
Gilbert Enterprise SupportRisposta del 6 novembre 2023 alle ore 08:03
Hi autonoleggiosemplice,
Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I'd like to let you know that I am using a translation tool to provide assistance, but if you prefer to receive help in your native language, we can forward this ticket to our Italian Support Team. However, keep in mind that it could take longer to receive a response from them.
Now, going back to your question. Just to clarify the issue, it is the data passed from the Multi-Line Question where the Dropdown field is cut off? Below is a sample screenshot from my cloned form:
If so, this might be because of the character limit for the Text Input field type. Try adding a new field and select 'Text Area' as the field type. Then, use that instead to link the Phone field from Jotform
I tested this on my cloned form and the complete data from the Multi-Line Question field (NUMERO DI TELEFONO) is passed to Active Campaign.
Give it a try and let us know if you need any other help.
autonoleggiosempliceRisposta del 6 novembre 2023 alle ore 09:50
it's not a problem to speak in English. My problem is not the type of input field, but the data. I need it to be registered with the phone number, because in AC an automatic flow sends a marketing message to whatsapp of customers.
Gilbert Enterprise SupportRisposta del 6 novembre 2023 alle ore 10:10
Hi autonoleggiosemplice,
If you're using the Phone field in Active Campaign to automatically send a marketing message, that might not work when you're using the Multi-Line Question field since it contains other data apart from the Phone number. You'll have to use the actual Phone element to collect the phone number.
Unless your workflow in Active Campaign is able to detect the phone number from all the data in the Multi-Line Question field and use that as the recipient of the message, you'll probably have to use the actual Phone element instead.
Let us know if you have any other questions.
autonoleggiosempliceRisposta del 7 novembre 2023 alle ore 07:37
Ok. I've been modified form. Let's try it.
autonoleggiosempliceRisposta del 7 novembre 2023 alle ore 12:21
Ok. Now the last trouble to solve is remove "() " used for number prefix. Data trasmitted to AC now is "(+39) 3935793223" with prefix and "() 3935793223" without prefix. I want to remove prefix brackets or prefix field.
Gilbert Enterprise SupportRisposta del 7 novembre 2023 alle ore 12:36
Hi autonoleggiosemplice,
You can modify the Input Mask set on the Phone field.
1. In Form Builder, select the Phone field and click the Properties button (gear icon)
2. Go to the Options tab
3. Edit the Input Mask and remove the parenthesis () and dash (-). Whatever format is set there will be the one followed. So if you want the phone number to just be a straight sequence of numbers, just set it to a series of “#” as it represents each digit.
Here's how it would look like after the submission without the additional special characters:
Give it a try and let us know if you have any other questions.