amiciscuolacrevariDomanda del 11 agosto 2023 alle ore 09:38
come posso importare il seguente modulo nel nostro account dell'Associazione ?
Come posso inoltre ottenere lo sconto sugli abbonamenti premium previsti per le associazioni no profit come la nostra ?
Vi ringrazio.
Cordiali saluti.
Enrico Gallelli (Mob- +369328966773 - https://wa.link/po5hjp )
P.IVA: IT02608310997 - CF: IT95168880102 - Sede Legale: VIA PISSAPAOLA 48 - 16158 GENOVA (ITALY)
E-mail: Email: iscrizioni.torpedone@crevari.it - PEC: amicidellascuoladicrevari@pec.it.
Carlo Jotform SupportRisposta del 11 agosto 2023 alle ore 10:01
Hello Amici,
Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. This issue can be solved in two ways:
The first solution: It is possible to clone your forms to another account. Cloned forms are managed independently. To do this, please follow this guide.
The second solution: We can transfer forms from one account to another account; however, please note that when a form is transferred, the ownership of the form will be transferred to the new account alongside the form data. If you'd like to do this, please log in to the Jotform account which owns the forms, create a new support request, and provide us with the list of forms to be transferred and the account the forms will be transferred to. For more information, please visit this guide.
Regarding the discounts for non-profit accounts. You only need to send your application through the following page: https://www.jotform.com/nonprofit/pricing/.
Our approval is within 24 hours. Once approved, you will get a separate email from us with links to our non-profit prices. Your pricing/billing page will be adjusted as well.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
amiciscuolacrevariRisposta del 4 novembre 2023 alle ore 07:29
Thank you !
Have a nice day !