What features are included in Jotform Bronze plan?

  • valentinafrattashalom
    Domanda del 30 maggio 2023 alle ore 04:41

    Buongiorno, vorrei maggiori informazioni riguardo le tariffe e le voci presenti in quanto stiamo valutando di acquistare uno dei vostri pacchetti.

    Tra invii e visualizzazioni che differenza c'è? Acquistando il pacchetto bronzo quante risposte posso registrare?



  • Israel Jotform Support
    Risposta del 30 maggio 2023 alle ore 04:59

    Hello Valentina,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Our Italian support is not available at the moment. Kindly allow us to assist you in English. According to our Pricing page, the Bronze Plan will include:

    • Bronze – $19/month
    • 1,000 Monthly Submissions
    • SSL Secure Submissions
    • Receive 10 Payments
    • 10 GB Available Space
    • 10,000 Monthly Form Views
    • Unlimited Total Submission Storage
    • Unlimited Forms, Reports, and Fields

    You can decide to have it for a monthly or yearly subscription from here:

    1679576075 641c4c0b582d2  Screenshot 0 Screenshot 10

    Here you can find a step-by-step guide on How to Upgrade your Account.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.