I moduli compilati non sono inviati alle email impostate

  • MagicBaloon
    Domanda del 3 novembre 2022 alle ore 08:00

    I moduli compilati non vengono inviati alle email impostate.

    C'è un "down" ?

    Grazie !

  • Collin_S
    Risposta del 3 novembre 2022 alle ore 08:13

    Hi MagicBaloon,

    Thanks for contacting Jotform Support. Our Development Team is fully aware of the issue and currently working to resolve it. If there will be any updates, we'll make sure to notify you here on this thread.

    We really appreciate your patience and understanding while we’re looking into this.

  • MagicBaloon
    Risposta del 3 novembre 2022 alle ore 08:15

    Ok I understand,

    a discount on the monthly / yearly costo will be appreciated ! :-)

    Thanks !

  • Billy Jotform Support
    Risposta del 3 novembre 2022 alle ore 08:20

    Hello MagicBaloon,

    Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. At the moment, we cannot promise you any discount on any of our subscriptions. Please contact us back on your next renewal which is on December 27 as we may have an ongoing discount by then. Last year, we were running the End of the year 50% discount on annual plans.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding.