non riesco a pagare

  • psycopetr
    Domanda del 10 agosto 2022 alle ore 04:44

    ciao, non riesco a pagare manualmente l'ultima fattura, provo ad inserire varie carte mi dice pagamento riuscito, poi aggiorno la pagina e mi chiede di nuovo di pagare.

    nessun importo è stato addebitato sulla ma carta

  • Esther Jotform Support
    Risposta del 10 agosto 2022 alle ore 05:25

    Hi Petr,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support.

    I understand you're not able to pay the last invoice manually because it does not allow you to introduce your payment method into Jotform. There are several things that can be done in order to solve this issue:

    1. Clear Cache from browser.
    2. Change to another browser.
    3. Try another network.

    Give a try with these actions. If by doing so it still does not work, you can provide us with this information:

    1. Which is the error you get (You can check how to post screenshots here).
    2. What you need to pay and we will get in touch with billing team.

    Hope this information helps you, let us know if you need anything.

    ¡Best wishes!

  • psycopetr
    Risposta del 10 agosto 2022 alle ore 06:34

    risolto grazie