come posso stampare un modulo inviatomi dalla Fit tramite mail? ho dei codici per ogni mail?grazie Arianna

  • Arianna
    Domanda del 8 aprile 2022 alle ore 10:03
  • Rhina Jotform Support
    Risposta del 8 aprile 2022 alle ore 12:46

    Hi Arianna!

    Thanks for reaching out.

    You can add a print button on your form. The print button on a form would allow your form user to print and obtain a hard copy of the data they fill in into the form before clicking on the submit button. 

    How to add print button on a form

    You can also folloe the steps below on how you can print the form with the users data:

    Please let us know if you're referring to something else.

    Thanks Arianna!