Data POST after payment with paypal

  • fondoambiente
    Domanda del 30 settembre 2021 alle ore 08:04

    Hello, how can I get the data via POST after sending with paypal payment?
    I changed the thank you page but the redirect does not happen.

    Many thanks!


  • Tommaso_F
    Risposta del 30 settembre 2021 alle ore 08:15

    Hi, thank you for contacting support.

    Could you please give us more details about your concern so we can assist you properly?

    Unfortunately, your description doesn't let us provide the best support. Could you please rephrase?

    We look forward to your response.

  • fondoambiente
    Risposta del 30 settembre 2021 alle ore 08:42

    I need to save the data after submitting with a php page. I usually change the thankyou page and take the data from the POST variables, but by inserting the form for payment with paypal, it does not work, the thankyou page remains that of paypal.

  • Tommaso_F
    Risposta del 30 settembre 2021 alle ore 08:50

    Hello there,

    At the moment it's not possible to get the data via POST after sending it with PayPal payment.
    Let us know how this feature can improve Jotform and we will be more than happy to forward it to our back-end team!


  • fondoambiente
    Risposta del 30 settembre 2021 alle ore 12:40

    So it is not possible to access the data after a paypal transaction?

  • Marco Jotform Support
    Risposta del 30 settembre 2021 alle ore 13:30

    Hello there,

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    You may may try checking out the following threads for further information:

    Let us know if you need any further assistance,
