How data arrive to the table (when integrated with google sheets)

  • moduli471
    Domanda del 31 maggio 2021 alle ore 01:21
  • Rosa_C
    Risposta del 31 maggio 2021 alle ore 02:39

    Hi there,
    You can integrate Google Sheets into your form and select which fields will be synced.

    To integrate Google Sheets, please follow this guide:

    Please let us know if you will need any further help.

  • moduli471
    Risposta del 31 maggio 2021 alle ore 02:53


    Yes i understand how to connect data.

    My particular question is:

    When for example in an order that same client ask for 5 different products. These info will go in columns or new rows are created. So if i have 100 different products i should have 100 diferentes columns?

    Hope to be clear.


  • Rosa_C
    Risposta del 31 maggio 2021 alle ore 03:07

    Hi there,
    Thank you for clarifying your question.

    If you use the Product list element, the selected products will be shown in one column.

    1622444566 60b48a1684780  Screenshot 10If you use the single choice element, the selected product will be shown in separate columns.
    1622444660 60b48a7485bf1  Screenshot 21

    Please let us know if you will need any further help.
