How can I show questions conditionally?

  • marcusviniciusitalia
    Domanda del 23 maggio 2024 alle ore 08:02
    Mi piacerebbe creare altri moduli in modalità quiz però più elaborati, nel senso che se il mio cliente sceglie una determinata opzione come risposta riceve una determinata domanda di conseguenza.ossia a seconda di ciò che risponde il mio cliente percorrere una strada specifica.da voi è possibile farlo? Mi puoi mostrare come si fa?
  • Raymond Jotform Support
    Risposta del 23 maggio 2024 alle ore 08:06

    Hi Marcus,

    It's possible to show questions conditionally using Jotform Conditions. Let me show you an example how:

    1. On your My Forms page, hover your mouse over your form and click on Edit Form.
    2. In Form Builder, click on the Add Form Element menu and drag-drop the fields you want to use as follow-up questions (Short Text fields are used in this example).
    3. Click on the Type a Question text and change it to the question you want to use.

    How can I show questions conditionally? Image 1 Screenshot 40

    Now, let's set up the conditions:

    1. In Form Builder, in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Settings.
    2. Click on Conditions on the left of the page.
    3. Now, click on Add a New Condition and then click on Show/Hide Field.
    4. Set the conditions like you see below:
    • IF: Do you have a dog or a cat? (this is the question that has the choice that the form submitter needs to select)
    • STATE: Is Equal To
    • VALUE: Dog (the first choice)
    • DO: Show
    • FIELD: What is the name of your dog? (the follow-up question that you want to show)

    How can I show questions conditionally? Image 2 Screenshot 51

    Set up Conditions for all of the choices for your question. Check out the screencast below to see how your form will work after setting up the Conditions:

    How can I show questions conditionally? Image 3 Screenshot 62

    We also have a guide on How to Show or Hide Fields Conditionally that you can check out.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.