How to divide the submissions into mutliple sheets

  • Scarpa_Marco
    Domanda del 29 marzo 2024 alle ore 14:44
    è possibile salvare i dati su più spreadsheet suddividendoli in tabelle diverse a seconda della pagina del modulo in modo che mantengano comunque un riferimento tra loro?
  • Christian Jotform Support
    Risposta del 29 marzo 2024 alle ore 14:44

    Hello Marco,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Unfortunately, our Italian Support agents are busy helping other Jotform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Italian, let us know and we can have them do that. But you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. Regarding your last question, can you confirm which spreadsheet you're referring to? You can export the submissions as Excel, and integrate your form with Google Sheets, but if you want to divide a table into multiple tabs let me walk you through how to do that:

    1. Click the Add Tab button in the upper right of the Submission Table.
    2. Select Tables from the modal.
    3. Click on the Next button.How to divide the submissions into mutliple sheets Image 1 Screenshot 50
    4. Select Connect to Form, then click Next.How to divide the submissions into mutliple sheets Image 2 Screenshot 61
    5. Click on the same form, then click Next.How to divide the submissions into mutliple sheets Image 3 Screenshot 72
    6. Check the Select All checkbox, then click Create.How to divide the submissions into mutliple sheets Image 4 Screenshot 83
    7. Apply your preferred filter after creating multiple tabs to divide the submissions.

    If that's not what you're looking for, please share more details about your question.

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • Scarpa_Marco
    Risposta del 2 aprile 2024 alle ore 04:30

    Hi Christian,

    thanks for the answers,

    i need to integrate multiple tables generate by the form with google sheets

    (if it is possible),

    very interesting the use of configurable list,

    is it also allow responders to add a new page a page?


  • Joseph Jotform Support
    Risposta del 2 aprile 2024 alle ore 05:18

    Buongiorno Marco,

    Grazie per averci ricontattato. L'integrazione con Google Sheets, riguarda il modulo e non Tabelle. Quindi, le risposte vengono automaticamente inviate ad un Foglio Google integrato con il modulo, ogni volta che il modulo viene inviato. Anche se in Tabelle Jotform hai schede multiple e suddivisioni personalizzate, queste non saranno riportate in Google Sheets tramite l'integrazione.

    Per quanto riguarda la tua domanda riguardo all'elemento Lista Configurabile, l'ho spostata in un'altra discussione per evitare confusione. Puoi trovare le mia risposta qui.

    Rimaniamo a disposizione per ulteriori chiarimenti.