Form: Is it possible to add 4 time inputs in one field?

  • scoprifacile
    Domanda del 11 marzo 2024 alle ore 13:37
    adesso avrei un altro problema, quando inserisco gli orari non ho la ossibilità dui mettere in un unico campo 4 orari, es mattina e pomeriggio, è possibile?
  • Princess_F
    Risposta del 11 marzo 2024 alle ore 14:20

    Hi scoprifacile,

    Thank you for reaching out to Jotform Support. I am currently using a translation tool to provide assistance, but if you want to get assistance in Italian language, we can forward your request to our Italian Support Team, but please note that it may take longer to receive a response.

    Now, going back to your inquiry, I understand that you want to be able to add 4 time inputs s in a single field, e.g. morning and afternoon right? Unfortunately, you can't add 4 time inputs in a single field, but you can configure the Time widget to show time in AM/PM (12 hour) format. Doing that is easy. Let me show you how:

    1. In Form Builder, click on your Time widget.
    2. Click on the Gear Icon to open widget Properties.
    3. Navigate to Options tab.Form: Is it possible to add 4 time inputs in one field? Image 1 Screenshot 50
    4. Change the Time Format from 24 HOUR to AM/PM. Form: Is it possible to add 4 time inputs in one field? Image 2 Screenshot 61

    You can also add 2 Time fields to be able to achieve Morning and Afternoon Time inputs. You just have to choose a Time limit for each field:Form: Is it possible to add 4 time inputs in one field? Image 3 Screenshot 72

    Here's a screencast for the sample result:

    Form: Is it possible to add 4 time inputs in one field? Image 4 Screenshot 83

    Here's the link to my test form for you to check and see the results. Also, you can clone the form by following this guide on How to Clone an Existing Form From a URL.

    Give it a try and let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.