Form Builder: How can I save my progress while working on the form?

  • rvcasting
    Domanda del 28 febbraio 2024 alle ore 15:04


    oggi ho inserito un campo nuovo, "età". Come posso fare ad aggiornare tutte le iscrizioni che ho sul mio archivio?

    Inoltre, ho bisogno di capire, visto che pago una quota mensile, come posso fare ad avere una copia di backup, qualora accada, che mi sparisca tutto.

    Ieri mentre lavoravo a delle variazioni del mio archivio, mi sono apparse delle schermate strane (che non ho avuto modo di screenshottare). Non vorrei perdere tutto il lavoro che ho fatto in questi 3 anni.

    Grazie e buona serata

  • Christian Enterprise Support
    Risposta del 28 febbraio 2024 alle ore 17:22

    Hi rvcasting,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. I’m really sorry that this is happening. I can help you with the solution. If you want to update or add specific fields to your other form, you must do so manually. Also, in regards to the issue you encountered, please keep in mind that Jotform Builder has an autosave feature, so you don't have to save it manually. Additionally, if something goes wrong, such as accidentally deleting fields, you can still revert to the previous version by using the Revision History. I recommend going over your form's revision history and, if necessary, reverting to a previous version with the fields available. Let me walk you through it: 

    • In the Form Builder, select the green circular arrow beneath the form name.
    • This will display a list of revisions to your form in the Form Builder's Revision History panel. 
    • Then, on the right side, select a version to navigate through it and review the changes. The primary left frame displays a preview of your form, while the right side lists any changes you've made to that version. 
    • Find the time stamp at which the conditions are visible. To undo the previous changes, select the Revert button.

    Form Builder: How can I save my progress while working on the form? Image 1 Screenshot 20

    I've cleared your form cache as a precautionary measure and to refresh the form on our server. Additionally, I recommend clearing your browser cache and cookies before proceeding. You can find instructions on how to do so in this article.

    Give it a try and reach out again if you have any other questions.