Jotform Quotation for a one-time event request

  • Giulia Perez
    Domanda del 13 febbraio 2024 alle ore 06:32

    Good morning, 

    We are contacting you as the LIFE National Contact Point (NCP) team for Italy, embedded in the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security.

    We are interested in holding an online event (an Info Day on the LIFE Programme for Italian applicants) using a platform that allows us to easily interact with the audience (ask questions to them; receive questions that the speakers can answer), and to receive statistics with data on participation at the end of the event.

    We would therefore like to ask you for a quotation for such a service, for the holding of a one-time event (we do not need an annual or monthly subscription).

    We would also like to know if it is possible to pay by bank transfer, as this is the only possible method of payment for our administration.

    Finally, we would like to know the terms and conditions of the service.

    Thank you and kind regards,

    LIFE NCP Team - Italy

  • Camila Jotform Support
    Risposta del 13 febbraio 2024 alle ore 08:50

    Hi Giulia,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. For quotations, please email our dedicated team at, together with the information below:

    • Company Name:
    • Company Address:
    • Contact Name:
    • Contact Email:
    • Plan desired:
    • Billing Frequency: (Monthly/Annual)

    You can also check our Pricing page for your reference. Reach out again if you need any help.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.