Creating a Secondary Thank You Page and Conditional Content in Forms

  • incomecapital
    Domanda del 28 gennaio 2024 alle ore 16:39

    Hello, I would like to create a second thank you page within the same form but I don't understand how to do it. Could you help me? Thank you.

    Or I would like that, when selecting a particular option in a yes/no type control, a specific content is displayed if "no" is selected

  • Jeric Jotform Support
    Risposta del 28 gennaio 2024 alle ore 19:55

    Hi incomecapital,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. You can achieve this through Change Thank You Page Conditional Logic. What it does is Change the Thank You Page based on an answer to a field. Let me show you how:

    1. Click on Settings
    2. Select Conditions
    3. Select Change Thank You PageCreating a Secondary Thank You Page and Conditional Content in Forms Image 1 Screenshot 30
    4. Create the Condition. In this example, if the answer to a field is YES, we will show different Thank You Page.
    5. Click on SaveCreating a Secondary Thank You Page and Conditional Content in Forms Image 2 Screenshot 41

    Give it a try and let us know if you need more help.

  • incomecapital
    Risposta del 29 gennaio 2024 alle ore 02:13

    Hello it seems it doesn't work for me.

    in the form i added a condition In which we are saying that when the anser is "no" we would like to show something different as a thank you page

    Creating a Secondary Thank You Page and Conditional Content in Forms Image 1 Screenshot 30

    But in the form when i select no and then click "next" button i go to the next page

    Creating a Secondary Thank You Page and Conditional Content in Forms Image 2 Screenshot 41

  • Raymond Jotform Support
    Risposta del 29 gennaio 2024 alle ore 04:38

    Hi incomecapital,

    Thanks for getting back to us. While the thank you page condition will change your thank you page, based on the option selected, we would still need to create additional conditions to hide the pages you'd like to hide conditionally. Let me show you an example on how to do that:

    • In Form Builder, create a new page at the end by clicking on the Add New Page Here button. It's also possible to include your own texts on the last page using the paragraph element.
      Creating a Secondary Thank You Page and Conditional Content in Forms Image 1 Screenshot 50
    • Next, click on Settings, Conditions and a Create new Skip to Hide a page condition similar below:Creating a Secondary Thank You Page and Conditional Content in Forms Image 2 Screenshot 61

    What this will do is to redirect your users to page 7 with your error message if they don't agree with your terms. To prevent users from seeing this page, we can add a submit button on your 6th page, preventing them from needing to go through the last page.

    Creating a Secondary Thank You Page and Conditional Content in Forms Image 3 Screenshot 72

    As you can see, there is still the next button, but if we apply some CSS code to hide it, that should meet what you'd like to create. Let me show you how to use the CSS code:

    • In Form Builder, click on the Paint Roller icon on the right.
    • Click on the Styles tab and paste the following codes into the CSS box.
    /* Hide next button on page 6 - 11240171*/
    #form-pagebreak-next_93 {
     display: none;
    /* Ends here */

    Creating a Secondary Thank You Page and Conditional Content in Forms Image 4 Screenshot 83

    That's it. Feel free to test this demo form or clone it to your account to inspect it further.

    Give it a try and let us know if you need any help.