Create registration forms with Jotform for Salesforce

Build custom registration forms and send submission data to Salesforce automatically using Jotform for Salesforce. Whether you’re registering people for classes, events, or conferences, you can create the perfect registration forms for your organization.

Registration Forms Hero Template 1
Registration Forms Hero Template 2
Registration Forms Hero Template 3

Explore Registration Form Templates

Registration forms make it easy to plan your next event, workshop, or program. Jotform offers many ready-made templates, so you can choose the one that works best for you.

Formulir Pendaftaran Peserta Nsc 2017

Indonesian Registration Form. Used by participants to register to an event.

Penerimaan Siswa Baru 2

Here's a Registration Form in Indonesian which can be used to Register yourself for something.

Cute Modern Dance Competition

Interested in modern dancing? Register for a competition with our form template!

Formulir Pendaftaran Keanggotaan Klub

Formulir pendaftaran keanggotaan klub digunakan untuk mendaftarkan anggota baru untuk klub atau organisasi. Baik Anda bertugas merekrut anggota untuk klub sosial, klub layanan komunitas, klub olahraga, atau klub improvisasi, Formulir Pendaftaran Keanggotaan Klub online gratis ini akan mempercepat proses pendaftaran dan memudahkan pendaftaran untuk klub Anda. Cukup sesuaikan formulir ini agar cocok dengan klub Anda, publikasikan secara online, dan Anda akan lebih mudah merekrut anggota baru! Pendaftaran akan dikirim ke akun Jotform Anda yang aman, yang mudah diakses oleh Anda dan kolega Anda di perangkat apa pun. Klub Anda sama uniknya dengan semua anggotanya, jadi mengapa tidak membuat Formulir Pendaftaran Keanggotaan Klub Anda juga unik? Pembuat Formulir kami sangat mudah dengan seret dan lepas memungkinkan Anda menambahkan bidang formulir, mengatur ulang desain templat, mengubah huruf dan warna, dan mengunggah logo klub Anda tanpa pengkodean apa pun. Anda bahkan dapat mengintegrasikan formulir dengan aplikasi online favorit Anda, seperti Google Drive, Dropbox, dan Slack, untuk langsung mengirim kiriman ke akun tersebut. Perlu memungut biaya keanggotaan? Cukup tautkan formulir Anda ke pemroses pembayaran pilihan Anda - Jotform menawarkan integrasi dengan lebih dari 30 gateway pembayaran, termasuk Square dan PayPal. Setelah dipublikasikan di situs klub Anda, Formulir Pendaftaran Keanggotaan Klub Anda akan menyederhanakan proses pendaftaran, mempermudah perekrutan, dan meningkatkan keanggotaan - semuanya sekaligus!

Formulir Pendaftaran Kepengurusan OSIS/MPK Masa Periode 2020/2021

Formulir Pendaftaran Kepengurusan OSIS/MPK Masa Periode 2020/2021 Formulir ini dibuat untuk Rekrutmen OSIS Dan MPK. Silakan Bagi yang ingin memakainya bisa memakainya.

Filmmaking Workshop Registration Form In Indonesian

A filmmaking workshop registration form gathering registrants' personal and contact details and information regarding their filmmaking experience.

Car Club Registration Form In Indonesian

A Car Club membership form that gathers registrant personal and contact information with their car details prepared in Indonesian


Tutorial membuat Presensi pada JOT FORM

Formulir Pendaftaran Pasien Baru

Formulir Pendaftaran Pasien Baru yang menyediakan informasi pribadi, informasi kontak, keterangan kontak darurat, dan informasi riwayat kesehatan memungkinkan Anda untuk mendapatkan proses pendaftaran yang lebih mudah dan lebih cepat. Gunakan Pembuat Formulir seret dan lepas kami untuk mengubah Formulir Pendaftaran Pasien Baru sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Anda juga dapat menyinkronkan kiriman tanggapan dan unggahan ke akun Ada yang lain secara otomatis dengan 100+ integrasi formulir gratis kami, seperti Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack dan banyak lainnya. Salin formulir ini dan gunakan segera di Jotform!


Integrasikan akun Jotform Anda dengan Salesforce

Install Jotform on the AppExchange or use our Salesforce integration on any of your forms in the Jotform Form Builder. Your Jotform submission data automatically populates your Salesforce database, so you never have to worry about transferring information between platforms.

Integrate your Jotform account with Salesforce


Customize your forms effortlessly

Customers appreciate a personal touch when they’re registering for events. Luckily, you can build custom forms that collect unique information with Jotform’s intuitive drag-and-drop form builder. Add or rearrange form fields, choose fonts and colors, include your own logo, and much more.

Customize your forms effortlessly

Fitur Formulir Lanjutan

Set a registration limit or deadline

Do you need to register participants by a specific date? Or are there a limited number of places available? Don’t worry — with Jotform, you can set custom deadlines and limits to ensure that you don’t end up overbooked or overwhelmed.

Set a registration limit or deadline

Bagikan & Sematkan

Share and embed your forms in seconds

Bagikan formulir pendaftaran Anda secara instan dengan mengirimkannya melalui tautan langsung, melalui kode QR, di platform media sosial, atau dengan menyematkannya di situs web pendaftaran Anda. Jotform membuat tautan yang dapat dibagikan dan kode sematan yang membantu Anda mendapatkan formulir pendaftaran di mana pun Anda membutuhkannya.

Share and embed your forms in seconds

Formulir Prefill

Kirim formulir yang sudah diisi sebelumnya ke prospek dan kontak

Need to send an order, feedback, or survey form to your leads and contacts? No problem. Instantly prefill forms with data from your Salesforce database using Jotform’s Salesforce Prefill feature. Automate data collection, save time, and create a better form-filling experience for your form users.

Send prefilled forms to leads and contacts

Learn how to use Jotform for Salesforce

Salesforce Youtube Thumbnail

Apa yang dikatakan pengguna kami tentang Jotform

“Jotform has been a great tool. As a nonprofit leader, I am always looking for tools that are easy to use, are priced well, and are able to do more than one function or ‘thing.’ We started using Jotform to allow our supporters a place to request marketing materials for a fundraising walk, but we quickly learned we could use this platform for so much more. We also use it for post-event surveys, community voting on new marketing ideas and projects, and recently used it for our guests to preorder food for a fundraising event.”

Nathan Smith,

Vice President, Rain Inc.


Penelusuran Anda "{searchValue}" tidak cocok dengan hasil apa pun.

  • How do you create a registration form in Salesforce?

    With Jotform for Salesforce, you can create a registration form within Salesforce in minutes. Once you install Jotform from the Salesforce AppExchange, you’ll be ready to start building forms.

    We offer 800+ registration form templates that you can customize or use as inspiration. Choose one from our form template directory that best suits your needs, or start from scratch with our drag-and-drop form builder.

    The best part? You won’t need to leave the Salesforce platform. Data will transfer between Jotform and Salesforce seamlessly, ensuring you’re always up to date.

  • How can Jotform help you while getting registrations?

    Jotform makes it easy to streamline data collection, making sure it’s done uniformly and that data is stored properly in Salesforce. Once you build a custom registration form, you can start collecting responses instantly. Not only will they be stored in your Jotform Inbox and in Jotform Tables, but they’ll also auto-populate Salesforce objects to create new leads. Inputting data from a third-party form software app would take hours, but now that process is instant with Jotform for Salesforce.

  • Can you create a self-registration page with Jotform?

    Anda yakin bisa! Dengan Jotform, pendaftar Anda tidak perlu berbicara langsung dengan orang untuk mendaftarkan konferensi, acara, atau program Anda. Arahkan mereka ke formulir online melalui email, tautan, atau postingan media sosial. Mereka dapat memberi Anda informasi pendaftaran, preferensi acara, dan banyak lagi — dan mereka bahkan dapat membayar langsung dari formulir dengan salah satu dari 30+ integrasi pembayaran kami. Kumpulkan ratusan atau bahkan ribuan pendaftaran dengan waktu staf minimal berkat formulir pendaftaran mandiri Jotform.

  • Can you create a registration form with an auto-responder in Jotform?

    Yes — if you want your customers to get an instant reply after registering, you can set up an Autoresponder. Customize a message to send them once their registration is complete. When a respondent replies to an autoresponder email, the message will be sent to your email address.

    The Jotform Form Builder automatically creates an autoresponder email when you add an Email element to your form. Go to the Settings tab, select Emails in the left menu, and create or edit an Autoresponder. When you’re finished customizing your email, you’ll be ready to go.

  • How can you start creating Salesforce registration forms in AppExchange?

    Creating Salesforce registration forms in AppExchange is a breeze once you install Jotform. Open AppExchange, search for Jotform in the search bar, click Get It Now, and then follow the setup instructions. You can choose whether to install the app for Admins Only, for All Users, or for Specific Profiles.

    Once you’re done, open the app by clicking on the App Launcher icon and searching for Jotform. Create your free Jotform account or log into your existing account and follow the instructions to finish setting up the app.

  • How can forms be used for class registration?

    Registering students for classes used to be a pain. Now it’s easier than ever with Joform’s free course registration forms.

    Sesuaikan salah satu templat kami untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang preferensi dan ketersediaan kelas siswa. Anda bahkan dapat menerima biaya kelas langsung melalui formulir Anda. Selain itu, jika Anda perlu mengumpulkan informasi medis, Anda dapat meningkatkan ke paket yang sesuai untuk menjadikan formulir Anda ramah HIPAA. Tanggapan akan dikirim ke akun Jotform Anda yang aman, yang dapat Anda lihat dari perangkat apa pun.

  • Who can use Salesforce class registration forms?

    Banyak industri dapat menggunakan formulir pendaftaran kelas Salesforce, termasuk lembaga pendidikan, pusat pelatihan, platform pembelajaran online, penyedia pelatihan profesional, dan banyak lagi. Jika Anda seorang tutor privat atau bekerja di program sepulang sekolah, Anda juga dapat menyesuaikan formulir ini agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

  • Where can you use Salesforce event registration forms?

    There is a wide range of use cases for Salesforce event registration forms. You can collect registrations for everything from webinars and networking events to trade shows and charity events. If you’re putting on a conference, you’ll be able to gather thousands of registrations with ease and store customer information securely in your Salesforce account. These forms can also be used for smaller events, such as local meetups or work happy hours.

  • Is the data collected via Jotform safe?

    Jotform’s biggest priority is keeping your data secure. With a 256-bit SSL connection, encryption, PCI certification, and compliance with GDPR and CCPA, we’ve got you covered. You can also opt for HIPAA features if you need to protect sensitive patient health information.