Luxembourg E-signature Legality Guide

Lihat fakta khusus negara tentang undang-undang dan peraturan tanda tangan elektronik.

Legalitas Tanda Tangan Elektronik di Luksemburg

Luksemburg adalah anggota Uni Eropa. Oleh karena itu, tanda tangan elektronik di Luksemburg diatur oleh Peraturan (UE) No. 910/2014, atau eIDAS, yang mencakup identifikasi elektronik dan layanan kepercayaan dan mulai berlaku penuh pada tahun 2016. eIDAS mengembangkan kerangka hukum standar untuk tanda tangan elektronik dan layanan terkait lainnya di semua negara anggota UE.

eIDAS recognizes three types of e-signatures: Simple Electronic Signature (SES), Advanced Electronic Signature (AdES), and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES). Each signature type has different requirements and may be suitable for different situations.

As the most secure and stringent of the three, the QES can be considered a valid substitute for a handwritten signature under appropriate conditions.

In 2020, Luxembourg amended its 2000 Law on E-Commerce to ensure its compatibility with eIDAS and manage eIDAS’s applications. The Luxembourg Civil Code also has provisions applying to electronic signatures.

Talk to a legal professional to ensure you’re meeting all appropriate e-signature requirements.

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