Italy E-signature Legality Guide

Lihat fakta khusus negara tentang undang-undang dan peraturan tanda tangan elektronik.

Legalitas Tanda Tangan Elektronik di Italia

Di Italia, tanda tangan tulisan tangan tidak selalu diperlukan untuk membuat kontrak yang ditandatangani sah secara hukum. Italia mengakui tanda tangan elektronik pada tahun 2005 dengan disahkannya PbEG L 13, yang juga disebut Kode Administrasi Digital (DAC) atau Keputusan Legislatif No. 82/2005. DAC banyak mengambil inspirasi dari Arahan UE (1999/93/EC) yang mengatur tanda tangan elektronik di Uni Eropa. Pada bulan Juli 2016, Italia mengganti Arahan UE dengan Peraturan (UE) No 910/2014, yang dikenal sebagai Peraturan eIDAS.

In addition to the eIDAS Regulation and the DAC, Italy uses the Italian Civil Code to govern e-signatures and further customize them at a national level. For instance, the Italian Civil Code allows parties to provide authentic and valid electronically signed documents as admissible evidence in court.

The eIDAS recognizes three types of signatures: the Simple Electronic Signature (SES), Advanced Electronic Signature (AES), and Qualified Electronic Signature (QES). The QES is the most secure and is considered similar to a handwritten signature. It requires the service provider to use a creation device recognized by the EU and issue a certificate.

The DAC recognizes an additional signature called the Digital Signature (DS), which requires two cryptogenic keys: a private one from the signatory and a public one from the recipient.

Consult a legal professional for guidance on e-signatures.

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