Formulir Pengabaian Online Gratis
Sederhanakan proses pelepasan hak Anda dengan membuat formulir pelepasan hak digital secara gratis dengan Jotform. Izinkan pengguna menandatangani pelepasan hak secara elektronik dari perangkat apa pun, di mana pun. Lacak data tanggapan pelepasan hak dan ubah tanggapan menjadi PDF secara instan. Pastikan keamanan pelanggan, pasien, peserta, dan klien Anda dengan pelepasan hak online khusus. Daftarkan akun gratis untuk mencoba software pelepasan hak online Jotform hari ini!
Free Online Waiver
Form Templates
Need inspiration? Pick one of our ready-made online waiver templates to get started. Drag and drop to customize your selected template with our no-code online builder. Create electronic waiver forms for free with Jotform’s waiver templates.
Pembuat Formulir
Antarmuka yang mudah digunakan
Gunakan antarmuka intuitif Jotform untuk membuat pengabaian online hanya dengan beberapa klik. Seret dan lepas untuk menambahkan bidang formulir baru, berintegrasi dengan alat yang berguna, mengubah huruf dan warna, mengunggah aset merek, dan banyak lagi — semuanya tanpa memerlukan pengodean. Kumpulkan detail kontak, pembayaran, persetujuan, unggahan file, dan banyak lagi.
Tanda Tangan Jotform
Collect signatures online
Collect electronic waivers online, eliminating the need for physical signatures. Leave manual printing, signing, scanning, and emailing in the past and get e-signatures quickly with Jotform’s digital waivers. Jotform Sign lets you collect and track waiver signatures online, then converts each completed document into a finished PDF.
Aman & Terjaga
Jaga keamanan informasi
Rest easy knowing your data is safe and secure. Jotform protects you with a built-in 256-bit SSL connection, GDPR and PCI compliance, and multiple encryption options and anti-spam fields.
Mode Kios
Mode Kios
With Jotform’s responsive design, your waivers will look and work great on any device — be it desktop or mobile. You can also turn your phone or tablet into a portable kiosk station to get waivers signed in person.
Editor PDF
Transform waivers
into PDFs
Creating professional PDFs has never been easier. Effortlessly generate PDFs from completed waivers with Jotform, providing a convenient and organized way to store, share, and collaborate on critical documents.
Jotform Table
Track responses
and collaborate
Store and manage your waiver form submission data securely with Jotform Tables. Easily access, search, and export waiver data as needed. Share your waivers and submissions with colleagues via Jotform’s built-in collaboration tools to boost collaboration and efficiency.
“Affordable, easy to use”
“Affordable, easy to use, and just what our school needed to ensure that every person could quickly and easily sign the consent to participate in distance learning form online. Using Jotform allowed us to quickly launch distance learning while
sheltering in place”
Cassandra Bridge,
Monterey Bay Charter School
Pelajari Lebih Lanjut Tentang
Formulir Pengabaian
What is a waiver form?
A waiver form is a legal document that a person signs to voluntarily relinquish or give up a certain right, claim, or privilege. By signing a waiver form, the individual acknowledges that they’re aware of the potential risks or consequences associated with an activity, event, or service, and they agree not to hold the other party responsible for any damages or injuries that may occur. Waiver forms are commonly used in various settings to protect organizations, businesses, or individuals from legal liability.
What is an online waiver form?
Why should you use an online waiver form?
How can you create an online waiver form?
What is the purpose of a waiver?
Are online waiver forms legally binding?
What should be included in an online waiver form?
Bisakah Anda menagih pembayaran melalui formulir pengabaian online?
How secure are online waiver forms?
How do participants sign online waiver forms?
What happens after participants submit online waiver forms?
Which other Jotform products can be used with waivers?
What are the benefits of using online waiver forms?
What are industry-specific use cases for online waiver forms?