Pembuat Survei Hotel Online Gratis

Buat survei profesional dan efisien dengan Jotform untuk mendapatkan wawasan penting tentang bisnis perhotelan Anda. Sesuaikan salah satu dari 10.000+ templat survei gratis kami agar sesuai dengan pencitraan merek Anda dan mulai kumpulkan respons survei hotel dalam hitungan menit.  Tingkatkan layanan pelanggan hotel Anda dan kinerja keseluruhan dengan mengumpulkan umpan balik tamu dengan Jotform.


Jelajahi Template Survei Hotel Gratis

Tidak tahu bagaimana memulai survei hotel Anda? Gunakan salah satu dari banyak template gratis kami untuk mengembangkan kreativitas Anda. Cukup pilih template, sesuaikan agar sesuai dengan branding Anda, dan kirimkan survei Anda ke tamu Anda.

Formulir Evaluasi Hotel

Template hotel-evaluation-form
Template hotel-evaluation-form

Formulir Umpan Balik Hotel

Template hotel-feedback-form
Template hotel-feedback-form

Survey Umpan Balik Tamu

Template guest-feedback-survey
Template guest-feedback-survey


Buat Formulir Survei Hotel dalam hitungan Menit

Pembuat Seret dan Lepas

Pembuat survei seret-dan-lepas kami yang andal dapat membantu pembuatan survei hotel yang sempurna menjadi mudah. Pembuat kami menyertakan ribuan template survei yang dapat disesuaikan sepenuhnya dan ratusan widget hebat.

Atur Data Anda di Tabel Jotform

Kumpulkan umpan balik penting dari tamu hotel dan kelola serta analisis tanggapan mereka di satu tempat terpusat. Tabel Jotform memudahkan untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan tamu.

Bagikan Survei Anda

Jadikan survei Anda mudah diakses dan ditemukan dengan menyematkannya di situs web hotel Anda atau membagikannya dengan tautan. Anda juga dapat membuat kode QR yang dapat dipindai atau tautan ke survei Anda di halaman media sosial Anda.

Desain Survei Intuitif

Tidak hanya pembuat survei seret dan lepas kami yang mudah digunakan, tetapi kami juga menawarkan widget survei yang berguna untuk membuat survei hotel Anda terlihat dan terasa seperti yang Anda inginkan. Sisipkan bar kemajuan, siapkan tombol simpan dan lanjutkan nanti, dan lainnya untuk memastikan pengalaman survei sesuai dengan standar hotel Anda. 

Kumpulkan Umpan Balik Offline

Survei Jotform memungkinkan Anda mengumpulkan umpan balik tamu penting secara offline. Tamu Anda dapat mengisi survei Anda dari tablet, perangkat seluler, dan bahkan komputer desktop.


Apa yang dikatakan pengguna kami tentang Jotform

This is the best tool ever!!! When we were looking for a solution for online registrations, options that we saw involved spending thousands of dollars with no easy customization - it involved paying developers for their time! With Jotform, you can make changes yourself and don't need a whole lot of experience in developing or coding! Love it and will probably continue using it for many years to come!

Alissa Kline, Alissa Kline, Asisten Dewan, KLMCarpenters, KLMCarpenters

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut Tentang Survei Hotel

Semua pertanyaan Anda tentang Jotform — terjawab. Lihat FAQ kami untuk jawaban atas pertanyaan umum, atau hubungi tim dukungan kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

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What is a hotel survey?

A hotel survey, also known as a hotel satisfaction survey, is a type of survey that aims to measure guest satisfaction in order to improve hotel practices and address possible pain points. Hotel surveys often ask about different aspects of a hotel and its amenities.

For example, most hotel surveys ask how the guest booked their stay, how many nights they stayed at the hotel, how the guest enjoyed their experience, whether the guest tried out any extra hotel offerings, and whether they’d like to share any additional information with the hotel. Hotel surveys also frequently ask guests to rate their experiences on a scale from 1–5 and to flag anything that was either outstanding or negative about their stay.

Hotels can conduct surveys online or in person, but most opt to send out their surveys via email or another electronic method to save time and paper. By creating a custom online hotel survey with Jotform, you can personalize your survey to ask about topics that are specific to your property. Once you’ve customized your survey to match your needs, all you have to do is send it out via email, a direct link, or QR code, or by embedding your survey on your hotel’s website.

Pertanyaan apa yang harus saya ajukan dalam survei umpan balik?

  • Bagaimana Anda menilai kepuasan Anda secara keseluruhan dengan layanan kami?
  • Seberapa besar kemungkinan Anda merekomendasikan layanan kami kepada orang lain?
  • Apa yang bisa kami lakukan lebih baik?
  • Seberapa bermanfaat layanan kami menurut Anda?
  • Beri peringkat layanan hotel berikut sesuai dengan preferensi Anda.

Apa itu survei kepuasan tamu hotel?

Survei kepuasan tamu atau survei kamar tamu adalah kuesioner yang diberikan kepada tamu selama atau setelah mereka menginap. Survei ini mengumpulkan umpan balik mereka tentang hotel atau bisnis Anda. 

Mengapa umpan balik pariwisata penting?

Penting untuk mendengarkan umpan balik pengunjung untuk meningkatkan metode dan layanan Anda. Ini tidak hanya menunjukkan bahwa Anda berkomitmen untuk merawat tamu Anda, tetapi juga memungkinkan Anda untuk lebih memahami sisi positif dan negatif dari hotel Anda.

Bagaimana saya bisa melakukan survei hotel?

Membuat survei hotel online itu mudah dengan Jotform. Cukup masuk ke akun Jotform Anda dan klik Buat Formulir. Telusuri template formulir atau mulai dari awal. Gunakan pembuat seret-dan-lepas Jotform untuk menambahkan pertanyaan ke survei Anda dan menyesuaikannya agar sesuai dengan merek Anda. Anda bahkan dapat menggunakan logika bersyarat untuk menyesuaikan pengalaman setiap responden agar sesuai dengan respons mereka. Kemudian cukup bagikan survei Anda melalui tautan atau kode QR atau dengan menyematkannya di situs web Anda.

What are the subtypes of hotel surveys?

There are a few different subtypes of hotel surveys. The most common subtypes are in-stay and post-stay surveys. In-stay surveys are surveys that guests receive shortly after their check-in, while post-stay surveys go out to guests after they check out.

There are also other subtypes of hotel surveys that don’t concern guests, such as hotel employee satisfaction surveys, hotel evaluation surveys, and hotel client surveys.

What types of questions are typically included in a hotel survey?

Depending on the subject of your hotel survey, the questions you ask may vary. Here are a few general questions to ask on your survey, no matter the subject:

  • How did you book your stay with us
  • How many days did you stay with us
  • Did you use any of our hotel amenities (pool, spa, dining room, etc.)?
  • How would you rate your overall satisfaction with your stay?
  • What part of your stay exceeded your expectations?
  • What part of your stay wasn’t as enjoyable as you expected?
  • Do you have any suggestions for improvements?

Who uses the data collected from hotel surveys?

Both upper management and team members use the data collected from hotel surveys to foster a more hospitable and professional hotel environment.

How often are hotel surveys conducted?

You can conduct hotel surveys as frequently as you’d like. Some hotels send out surveys to guests after every experience they offer — like spa sessions, dining experiences, and off-site excursions — to gather feedback and suggestions about individual hotel experiences. Some hotels opt to send out a survey after the guest has checked out to get a more holistic view of their entire stay. The choice is up to you and what you feel would work best for your hotel.

Are hotel surveys only for guests who had a negative experience?

No, hotel surveys are for all guests. Guests who had a negative experience might be more inclined to share their opinions with you, but that doesn’t mean that guests who had a good experience shouldn’t fill out your survey. Guest surveys should be for all guests, no matter whether their stay was negative or positive. Both types of responses will help your hotel create a better experience in the future.

How do hotels ensure the authenticity of survey responses?

You can encourage authentic and honest responses by creating a survey that’s both welcoming and professional. You can create a professional hotel survey with Jotform to show your commitment to providing stellar service. You can customize it to fit your needs with our drag-and-drop builder and integrate it with helpful tools to streamline your survey review cycle. Jotform also allows you to set a limit of one response per user to help combat spam responses.