Refund status with skrill

  • lilinajeng
    Ditanyakan pada tanggal 2 Desember 2023 pukul 09.37

    Kindly refund $200.00 USD from your personal money to (Nizo Bright) and get back to us with your refund receipt so we can lift the restriction placed on your account and verify the pending transaction before we can agree to credit your account with the sum of $500.00 USD immediately we receive the refund receipt. 

    We hope to hear from you soon and thanks for your understanding. 

    Thanks for using our services.

    Skrill Team.

    Refund can be done outside Skrill and we have everything under control with the account limit and this is to notify you that your total pending payment was processed to be deposited automatically and the payment can’t be cancel or refunded to the payment sender and hereby apologize for any inconvenience this might cause as we’re working towards serving you better in future.

    Description: Additional Payment

    Amount: $200.00 USD

    Jotform Thread 9665071 Screenshot
  • Camila Jotform Support
    Dibalas pada tanggal 2 Desember 2023 pukul 12.35

    Hi Candle,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform. I'd like to let you know that I am using a translation tool to provide assistance, but if you would prefer to get assistance in Indonesian Language, we can forward your ticket to our Indonesian team, However, please note that it could take longer to receive a response.

    It seems that you are requesting a refund status to Skrill. We suggest contacting Skrill directly for the status.

    Reach out again if you have any other questions.