Is Jotform Safe?

  • Rio
    Ditanyakan pada tanggal 28 Juli 2023 pukul 22.11

    saya baru saja mengisi jotform apakah aman? Platform pinjaman online menyuruh saya mengakses jotform karena aplikasi terkendal

  • John Support Team Lead
    Dibalas pada tanggal 28 Juli 2023 pukul 23.27

    Hello Rio,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jotform Support. Jotform takes the security of your data very seriously. Rest assured that all Jotform standalone form links and embed codes are secure (SSL) by default, and we even offer the option for all users to encrypt their data. Your privacy and safety are our top priorities.

    If you've filled out a form that seems a bit fishy or suspicious, don't worry. Just share the link to it with us, and we'll gladly check it out for you.