Does OneNote enable HIPAA compliance?

OneNote may be HIPAA compliant because and if Microsoft’s business associate agreement (BAA) covers OneNote.

OneNote may be HIPAA compliant, provided the right security features and configurations are used. Physical, technical, and administrative safeguards are available through Microsoft’s cloud services.

These security and privacy measures help to prevent unauthorized access of electronic protected health information (PHI). Data stored on OneNote is encrypted, and Microsoft provides user access logs on request.

Notes can be shared with other OneNote users through a network or internet connection. Because Microsoft OneNote offers multiuser collaboration, every participating device must meet all HIPAA compliance standards.

Storing or sharing PHI on the software requires a signed business associate agreement (BAA) with the software provider. The BAA offers contractual assurances of HIPAA-compliant safeguards. Microsoft provides a BAA for many of its products, including OneNote.

Product description

Microsoft OneNote is an application for digital note-taking on smartphones, computers, and tablets. This app offers features for creating, sharing, and storing various types of media, including text, audio files, and screen grabs.

This web page was updated on April 26, 2024.


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