How to View Team Members in Jotform Teams

November 15, 2022

There are a couple different ways to view team members in Jotform Teams. Read on for more: 

How to View Your Team Members

  1. In your Teams workspace, hover over the avatars in the top right side of the screen. You’ll be able to see their names and emails. There’s also a button so you can invite new members.
Image of Jotform Teams workspace with an arrow pointing to the invite button on the top right side of the screen

How to View Team Members in your Organization

  1. In your Teams workspace, click on the button that says Teams in the top right corner.
Image of the Jotform Teams workspace with an arrow pointing to the Teams button on the banner on the top right side of the screen
  1. Clicking Teams will open a new window and you can see all the non-private teams within your organization. Please note that people in your organization can create private teams that would not be shown in All Teams.
Image of all the viewable teams within an organization
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