How to Subscribe or Unsubscribe to Jotform's Newsletters

May 28, 2023

Jotform can send you a monthly newsletter or an occasional educational, inspirational, and promotional emails. These emails may contain updates to our features, newest releases and partnerships. If you’re already receiving these emails and want to stop it, you can unsubscribe as well.

Subscring or unsubscribing to Jotform’s Newsletters is just a few clicks away.

  1. Click your Profile Picture at the top-right side of the Jotform page you’re currently viewing.
  2. Click Settings from the menu.
Settings link in Jotform's Profile Menu
  1. In the Settings page, go to the Subscriptions section.
  2. Check the Newsletter item you’d like to subscribe or uncheck if you wish to unsubscribe . We have the following newsletter items:
    • Monthly Newsletters
    • Educational Emails
    • Jotform Promotions
    • Inspirational Articles
Subscriptions section under the Settings page of the Jotform's Account Profile
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  • Anna Guhman - Profile picture
  • CORBITT - Profile picture