How to Set Up the PDF Element in Jotform Workflows

December 8, 2024

One of the great features of Jotform is the ability to add PDF elements to your workflow. This allows you to automatically generate PDFs from form submissions, which can be useful for things like creating reports, invoices, or receipts.

By setting up PDF elements in your Jotform Workflows, you can automate the process of sending PDF documents to users or storing them for your records. This saves time and makes managing your form submissions more efficient.

Adding the PDF Element

The process of adding the PDF element is relatively simple. Let’s do it!

  1. In Workflow Builder, click on Add Element on the left side of the screen.
Add Element in Jotform Workflows


Before adding the PDF element to your workflow, customize your PDF to include all the important fields. This way, the PDF will look just the way you want and have all the needed information. You can check out this guide for more information.

  1. Under the Basic tab, drag and drop or click the PDF element to add it to your workflow.
Add PDF Element in Jotform Workflows
  1. Now, click the PDF element and then the Gear icon next to it to open its Properties. In the Properties window of the PDF element, you’ll find two tabs: General and Advanced.
Click the Gear Icon Settings to open the PDF Properties in Jotform Workflows

Pro Tip

You can also open the Properties window by double-clicking the PDF element itself.

Setting up the General Tab

In the General tab of the PDF Element, you’ll find several important settings that allow you to customize how your PDF documents are handled and sent within your workflow. These options help you specify where the PDFs are sent, which documents to attach, and how to secure the PDFs for added privacy.

General Tab of PDF Properties in Jotform Workflows

Here’s an overview of each setting available:

  • Recipient Email Address — Here, you can specify the email address to which your PDF document will be sent.
  • Send Submission as PDFs — You can choose which PDF document to attach to your Workflow Email.
  • Enable PDF Password — Enable this if you want to secure your PDF file with Password Protection.


  • By default, the first email field on the form is selected as the recipient of the Email elements in your workflow. If your form doesn’t include an email field, the recipient email will be empty, and you’ll receive a warning to fix it to ensure all workflow steps work correctly.
  • You can only assign one recipient email address at a time. You can enter your preferred email address manually or select an email address from the form fields.

Setting up the Advanced Tab

In the Advanced tab of the PDF Element, you’ll find additional settings to personalize and enhance your workflow emails. These options allow you to customize the notification emails that are sent along with your PDFs and add any extra PDF attachments you may need.

Advanced Tab of PDF Properties in Jotform Workflows

Here’s a detailed summary of each option:

  • Notification Email — Click on Edit to personalize the subject and content of your PDF Workflows email.
  • Upload PDFs — Enable this if you want to include PDF attachments in your workflow email.

Complete your workflow by adding more elements and connecting each other in the Workflow Builder. To learn more about connecting elements, visit How to Add and Connect Elements in Jotform Workflows.

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