How to Personalize your Digest Emails

May 16, 2024

With Digest Emails, you get to choose what information you want to see. Let’s go through the settings so you can personalize your emails and make them most effective for your needs. 

Settings For the Welcome Element

When you add your welcome element, click the gear wheel on the right to personalize your welcome element. 
You’ll see a menu with three different toggle switches so you can control what you see in the welcome section. Toggle them on and off to see what your welcome message could look like with or without certain elements. 

Instructional screenshot of welcome element with Title, New Submission, and Most Submitted Form options toggled on

Settings For Each Submission Summary


In the overview tab you can toggle the on/off switch if you don’t want to see the overview. You can also hide the view submissions button if you only want your recipients to get an overview. But if you want recipients to view submissions, just toggle the switch back to on.  

Instructional screenshot of settings options in the submission overview element


If you want your answers to be displayed in a chart, you can easily do that. But you have to make sure your form answers are compatible with the chart functionality.

Instructional screenshot of a chart in a Digest Email

 Charts can only be generated from the following question types: 

  • Single Choice
  • Multiple Choice
  • Dropdown
  • Star Rating
  • Yes or no questions in Card Forms

To add a chart, just click the Add Chart button. Click the questions in the charts list to further personalize them. 

Instructional screenshot of Digest Settings with an arrow pointing to the Add Chart button


You can personalize what you want to see from your submissions. You can choose which fields are visible in the Digest and you can choose to hide empty fields and the submissions list. 

Instructional screenshot of the submission settings tab with Submissions List and Hide Empty Fields options toggled on

Add Forms

If you want to add another form to your Digest Email, there are two ways to do that, the first is to click the add forms button on the left side of the digest builder. The second is to scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add Form at the bottom.

Instructional screenshot of Digest Email Builder with arrows pointing to the Add Forms buttons on the bottom and on the left side

Settings gear on the right 

Click the gear wheel on the right to open settings for the Digest Email. The digest settings on the right are mostly to customize the email settings itself, not necessarily the elements within the email. 

How to Personalize your Digest Emails Image-1

In Digest Settings, you can customize the subject, date, and time settings. You can also choose who receives the digest emails. But remember, you can only send digest emails to up to ten recipients, and if you’re on the starter plan, you can only send digest emails to one person. 

How to Personalize your Digest Emails Image-2
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