How to Integrate a Payment Gateway with Donation Apps

March 6, 2024

Your donation element will not be visible to your donors until you’ve set up a payment integration. With a Donation box element, you have over 30 payment gateways to choose from. So you’re bound to find one that works for you. Keep on reading to learn how to integrate your donation app with your favorite payment gateway.

Note: Donation submissions are subject to payment submissions limitations. Check out the Pricing page to see how many donations you can accept per month. 

  1. Once you’ve added your donation box to your app, Click the Payment Properties button on the right side of the element.
Donation App in Form Builder Clicking on Payment Properties
  1. In Payment Properties, you can choose your currency and decide whether or not you want to use decimals to separate dollars and cents.
Donation App in Form Builder Viewing Payment Properties Features
  1. Click the Add Payment Integration button and select the payment gateway that works best for you. In this guide, we’re going to use Stripe.
Add Payment Integration Menu Under the Payment Properties of Donation App
  1. Select Connect to Stripe and you’ll be taken to Stripe’s login page where you can log into your account.
Donation App Payment Integrations Stripe Login Page

The payment gateway modal will say Connected when the integration is successful.

Donation App Stripe Settings Showing that the Connection to Integration Was Successful

How to Change Contact Information on the Donation Checkout Page

  1. Go to the Payment Properties panel and click the Checkout Page tab.
Donation App Payment Properties Clicking on Checkout Page
  1. In the Checkout Page tab, you can personalize the contact information you want to collect from your donors. They’re all optional, except for the full name and email elements. Click the Add Element button to add different contact elements.
Donation App Contact Information Page of Payment Properties Clicking on Add Element
  1. Hover over the preview and click View Page to see what your checkout page will look like.
Donation App Contact Information Page of Payment Properties Clicking on View Contact Information Page

And that’s it! With over 30 payment gateways to choose from your bound to find one that works for you. Let us know which one worked best for you in the comments.

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