How to Create a Customer with Jotform's QuickBooks Integration

September 26, 2023

Jotform now has a direct integration with QuickBooks. You used to need to take the extra step of creating a Zap in Zapier to integrate your forms with QuickBooks. Keep on reading to learn how to integrate QuickBooks with Jotform in a few steps. 

  1. Go to the integrations tab in the Form Builder. Click the QuickBooks tile.
informative screenshot of Jotform's integrations tab with an arrow pointing to the Quickbooks tile
  1. Click Create Customer, and click Next.
informative screenshot of Jotform's and Quickbooks integration portal
  1. If you’re integrating with QuickBooks for the first time, you’ll be taken to QuickBooks’ authentication page to log into your account. If you’re already logged in, click Add Action.
Instructional screenshot with an arrow pointing to the Add Action button at the bottom of the integration portal
  1. Match your customer records to your submission data. Add fields as necessary. Click Save when you’re done. Please note if you’re updating an existing customer, make sure the Customer Display Name matches exactly, or else QuickBooks will automatically create a new customer.
Instructional screenshot indicating how users need to match their form fields to their Quickbooks customers

And that’s it! Now you can use Quickbooks with Jotform to automate your accounting processes.

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