How to Assign Follow-Up Forms With Jotform Approvals

June 26, 2024

The Form element in Jotform Approvals allows you to add follow-up forms to your workflow. You can assign follow-up forms to your respondents or defined recipients and monitor their progress in Jotform Inbox or Tables. The invitation to the form is sent via email which you can customize to your liking.

To assign a follow-up form

  1. In Jotform Approvals, from the Approval Elements pane on the left, add a Form element to your workflow.
An arrow pointing to the Form element's gear icon, to open settings, in Jotform Approvals
  1. Select Complete Settings in the Form element or the gear icon next to it to open settings.
An arrow pointing to the Form element's Complete Settings button in Jotform Approvals
  1. In the settings dialog, choose your follow-up form to send under Add a Form.
An arrow pointing to the Form element's form selector in Jotform Approvals
  1. Enter the recipient’s address for your follow-up form under Assignee Email Address.
Arrow guides to set an email field as the recipient in Jotform Approvals' Form element
The Assignee Email Address field in Jotform Approvals' Form element

To set your form fillers’ email address as the recipient, select Form Fields, then choose your form’s email field from the menu.

  1. Once you’re done, select Save in the lower-right corner.

Enabling Prefill

You can pass your respondents’ answers from the main form to the follow-up form with Prefill. To set up Prefill

  1. In the Form element’s settings dialog, go to Prefill.
The Prefill tab in Jotform Approvals' Form element
  1. Turn on Prefill From Fields, then choose your source form.
Initial set up to enable Prefill Form Fields in Jotform Approvals' Form element
  1. Map the form fields under Match Fields.
Prefill form field mapping in Jotform Approval's Form element
  1. Select Save in the lower-right corner to apply the changes.

Customizing the Invitation Email

You can edit the email template, sender name and address, as well as add attachments and set up reminders under the Advanced tab.

To customize the invitation email

  1. In the Form element’s settings dialog, go to Advanced and select Edit.
Arrow guides to edit the notification email in Jotform Approvals' Form element

Note: To enable reminders, turn on and set up Send Reminder Emails. This option has a separate email template and settings.

  1. Under the Email tab, customize your email’s subject and content to your liking.
The Email tab in Jotform Approvals' Form element

Note: The View Form button in the email content holds a dynamic link to your form. Keeping it is highly recommended.

Here are more options available for your email:

  • Sender Name — Found under the Sender tab, this is the “from” name that appears on the email.
  • Reply-to Email — Also found under the Sender tab, this is the destination address when your recipients reply to your email.
  • Attach File — Found under the Advanced tab, this allows you to add attachments to your email.
  • Sender Email — Also under the Advanced tab, here you can change the email address to show as the sender.

Here’s an example of a workflow that sends a follow-up form to the user’s email based on their answer on the main form:

A workflow that sends follow-up forms conditionally

To learn more, see How to Set Up a Conditional Branch.

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