How to Add New Members to a Team

February 6, 2023

With Jotform Teams, you can make your team workspace available to others at various access levels depending on your preference.

  1. In the shared workspace, click the button in the middle of the screen that says Invite Team Members.
Arrow pointing to the Invite Team Members

If you already have forms in your shared workspace, you can click the Invite button on the top right side of the screen.

Workspace with an arrow pointing to the Invite button
  1. A window will pop up where you can enter your team members email, assign their role, and customize the invite with a message. Check out our guide on member roles to learn more about capabilities within each role.
Invite members window with a dropdown menu
  1. When you send your invitation, a little green message next to your new team members name will come up confirming they have been invited.
List of team members with a green confirmation message next to one team members name
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