User Guides

You can customize the appearance of the lightbox and feedback embeds, but you can't change the style of its window title, especially when you opt to use the default. You can only style it by inserting the following custom CSS into your website's...

Jotform offers many embedding features. Embedding Form as a Lightbox can be useful in case when you need a form to be opened in a separate pop-up window. You can set a form window to be opened automatically after the page is loaded. To...

WordPress is known for its user-friendly interface that allows users to create and manage websites easily. Using the Jotform WordPress plugin, also known as Jotform Online Forms, you can create and embed your Jotform forms into your WordPress...

Adding your form to your website using the source code embed method allows you to customize your form even further with HTML and JavaScript. You can even host your form's resource files on your...

IM Creator is a website builder that allows you to create beautiful and elegant websites. You can create your website from scratch or use one of their pre-built templates. If you have an IM Creator website and want to embed your Jotform form...

A lightbox form is a window that pops up when visitors click on a link. It's an easy way to share your forms with visitors. When the lightbox opens, it will overlay the page containing the link. The lightbox will look like...

Google Sheets is a powerful data management tool that helps you organize data and collaborate with others. You can integrate your forms with Google Sheets to automatically forward your form entries to your spreadsheet. New form data will be sent...

Adding videos to your forms can help give a little bit more personality to your forms. They can be used as a question to introduce the form or your company. Making sure the user watched a video can be one of the necessary steps before submitting...

Jotform Visual Report Builder allows you to turn form submissions into visual reports without any coding and share your reports with ease: send a link, embed them in web pages, or download and print them for meetings. For creating visual reports,... Jotform Smart PDF Forms converts your existing PDF forms into easy-to-fill online forms. Once your PDF form is uploaded and converted, the Smart PDF Form builder will automatically connect the fields. You'll...

Jotform branding can be removed from your forms once you have a paid subscription. See Jotform Pricing for more information. After upgrading your account, you can remove the branding from the settings...

Jotform's Tables Prefill allows you to use data from your Jotform Tables to prepopulate fields on your form. You can use one of your form tables or import your existing data into Tables and use it. See How to Import Data in Jotform Tables to...

First-time Jotform users often ask how to create a simple form, how to set up email notifications, how to embed a form on a website, how to test the form to see if it's working, and how to view responses in email and Jotform...

Squarespace is a website-building platform known for its intuitive drag-and-drop interface that makes web design accessible to everyone. By embedding your form, visitors can use Jotform on your Squarespace website directly, making it convenient...

If you need your form submitters to get an instant pre-written reply or a copy of their data, you can use Autoresponder. By default, when a respondent replies to your autoresponder email, the message is sent to your email...

Save and Continue Later, also known as Autofill or Continue Forms Later, offers ways for your form fillers to save their partially filled-out form. It is useful for long forms or forms with multiple...

Jotform offers several ways to check your form fillers' IP addresses for troubleshooting, security, or analytic purposes. Understanding the IP addresses of respondents can provide valuable insights and enhance your form management...

What's so important about form widths? Imagine filling out a form that's too wide for your mobile device. It'd be frustrating, right? Think about your forms and your audience. Do you provide a positive user experience? Do you know which...

Secure or SSL Forms are for secure communications between the client (e.g., the end-user of your form) and Jotform's servers. These communications are encrypted to prevent snooping by a third party making the communication between the server and...

Jotform has any type of Form Element you may need. Take a look at the complete list below and get a brief description of each. Quick Elements Place at the top for convenience, Quick Elements...

Blogger is an online blogging platform that allows you to create multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. You can add a feedback button to your blog as another communication channel with your audience....

Xara offers very easy integration with Jotform through the use of widgets. To get your Jotform form into a Xara page, do the following. Step 1: Drag the Jotform custom forms widget out of the Form Widgets section of the Designs Gallery and on...

Jotform offers a large collection of free form templates that anyone can use for personal and business purposes. These templates are Jotform's own and user-contributed. If you want to contribute to the Jotform community, you can do so by sharing...