How to Use and Get the Best Out of Jotform Smart PDF Forms?

June 13, 2024

Jotform Smart PDF Forms allows you to convert your PDF form to an online form. You can not only collect responses with your online form, but the responses will also populate the original PDF while retaining its layout.

Online forms created with Jotform Smart PDF Forms will have the same features and functionality, such as responsiveness, customization, and accessibility, as other forms created in Jotform.


Jotform Smart PDF Forms accepts documents up to 25 pages long for Starter, Bronze, and Silver accounts and 50 pages long for Gold and Enterprise. If your PDF exceeds the number of pages, you will get an error and won’t be able to import the file. Also, the Smart PDF Builder will only import your PDF fields to create the online form version, not its design.

Uploading Your PDF

You must first upload your PDF form and let the Smart PDF Forms builder do the conversion. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the My Forms page.
  2. Click the Create Form button.
Create Form button in My Forms page of Jotform
  1. Click Import Form from the options.
Import Form option in the Create Form dialog box
  1. Select the Import PDF Form option. Clicking this option will take you to the upload page.
Import PDF Form option
  1. On the Upload tab of the Smart PDF Forms builder, you can drag and drop your PDF or click the Upload PDF Form button to select your file. Upload the file to proceed.
Upload PDF Form button in the Jotform Smart PDF Forms builder

Building Your Form

Once the upload is completed, Jotform Smart PDF Forms will take you to the Build Step, where you’ll see the online form (on the left) and the original PDF (on the right) side by side.

In the Smart PDF Forms builder, you can adjust your online form and the PDF, such as connecting fields, adding missing and new fields, deleting fields, etc. 

For more information regarding the field connections, please visit How to Connect Your Online Form Fields with PDFs.

If you want to convert your existing online form into a fillable PDF, please visit the following guides for more details:

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