How to Integrate Eway With Jotform

December 7, 2023

Eway is a secure and reliable online payment gateway. It provides payment services for businesses in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Macau. With Jotform’s Eway integration, you can collect money online for orders, subscriptions, or donations with a custom payment form.


Your Eway account will require you to enable PCI compliance to use or complete the Eway integration. Only Eway’s team can do this, provided you send them Jotform’s PCI certification. Visit the PCI Compliance page to download the certificate.

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You can integrate Eway into your form by following the steps below.

  1. In the Form Builder, click the Add Form Element button.
  2. Go to the Payments tab.
  3. Click Eway from the list. You can also drag and drop it to add.
Jotform Form Builder with steps to click the Add Form Element button, Payments, and Eway payment gateway
  1. In the Payment Settings, set up the following:
    • API Key
    • API Password — You can obtain both the API Key and Password through the API Key section of your Eway account. Visit eWAY API Key and Password for the steps.
    • Client-side Encryption Key — Visit Client Side Encryption key via MYeWAY Business Centre for more details.
    • Currency — Eway integration supports multiple currencies. The prices and amounts displayed on the form are based on the selected currency.
    • Payment Type — Choose whether to sell products, allow user-defined amounts, or collect donations.
Jotform Eway integration showing its settings to provide the API Key and Password, Client-side encryption Key

Did you know?

You can open the Payment Settings by clicking the Wand icon on the right side of the Eway gateway.

Under the Additional Gateway Settings, you’ll find several options, which include the following:

  • Sandbox Mode — Toggle Sandbox if you wish to test Eway integration. You must use sandbox credentials from Eway to use this.
  • Authorization Only — Toggle this option to charge customers at a later date. Visit How to Enable Payment Authorization for more details.
Additional Gateway Settings of Eway integration showing the Sandbox Mode and Authorization only options
  1. If you’ve selected Sell Products from the Payment Type, click the Continue button to add your product items. If it’s the others, click the Save button to complete the integration.

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